Chapter 19

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I decided to talk to Copeland; dad fell asleep. I walked out of the room and heard Copeland. "I'll be fine go guys." I heard my sister sigh as I hid from her and Willow left. I walked in, "guys I said I'm-" she stopped when she seen me. "Oh Zach..." I did one thing I needed and felt I needed to. I kissed her. She was surprised but kissed back; we parted "I'm sorry Copeland for what I did...that was-"

"You had all the right." She said cutting me off. I looked at her wide eyed. "I only went out with that idiot so I could fill my loneliness which didn't work." I stood up as she looked at me. "Can we take it slow?" I put my hand on her cheek looking her into the eye. "Yes. I'm sorry for everything..." We heard cheering from outside her door as we looked at one another. She kissed me softly as she smiled.

Jacky hadn't told the kids yet but we are together again and going to counseling. I don't know why he forgave me but he did...for some reason. I sighed as I looked at my daughter, she was Jinxx's daughter. I wish Jacky would've let me go...they are my kids too. I cleaned the house since she is asleep. I started with the laundry that's when my phone went off. It was Jacky.

"Hey Hun!" I said as he sighed heavy. "The kids are refusing to come back and Zach doesn't even remember you..." My heart broke. "Nothing at all?" I whispered as he sighed. "Nothing..." I wanted to cry.

I looked around to see if dad was around thank god he wasn't. I went outside to sit and think. I wanted to cry. I want to see Rocket so bad but her parents won't let her see me. I felt a hand on my shoulder I looked up to see Rocket herself. I pulled her down and kissed her softly. She giggled a little as she finally sat. "Surprise!!!" I giggled a little as I sighed. "If my brother doesn't remember you I am so sorry my brother was in a bad accident and lost his memory. I spent half the year to get him where he is now." She nodded as she hugged me.


I haven't told the kids yet about their mother and me. I know Kelley told him the truth about her ; she has every right to say anything about her. I sighed I feel like I failed the kids I keep going back to her. She was my true love my wife. Zachy had to deal with so much growing up like dealing with parents who fought all the time but so did Kelley. Zachary protected her and still will. I missed my boy. I missed my daughter. They are going to hate me forever.

"Zach can you get Kelley so I can talk to you two." He nodded as he smiled at Copeland who shook her head. I sighed after a couple minutes they came over to me. "Well....your mother and I are back together going to counseling every week." I seen Zachy's face darken. I looked at him worried, he walked off as I looked at Kelley. "I can't believe you..." I looked down as Kelley sighed angrily before leaving.

I called Jamie, "Hey Hun!" She said excited making me sigh heavy. "The kids are refusing to come back and Zach doesn't even remember you..." I could tell she was devistated but I couldn't tell her the truth. "Nothing at all?" She whispered almost to were I couldn't hear her making me sigh again Nothing..." I whispered hearing her sob. I calmed her down finally before we got off.

Where did I go so wrong?

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