Chapter Thirteen

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The bus driver, Jay Park, Leeteuk, Siwon, and Kim Hyun Joong. Those were the ones that I sent out to hunt for help days ago.

Now Minzy tells me that Jay Park and the others are in danger...

"Chaerinah~, what are we going to do?!"

"Omo! What if they were attacked by some wild animal?"

"Can we try calling them again?"

"Noona, lets go find them!"

"Everybody be quiet!" I shouted, "Just calm down"

I stood up from the log I was sitting on and began pacing. The rest of the group was huddled around the fire, muttering and whispering things to one another.

They were afraid, I could tell. They had put their full trust in me, and now our fellow k-idols might be hurt, or worse, dead.

"I take full responsibility for what happens to any of you" I said, "We have to stick together and stay strong, no matter what happens.."

"Unnie what are we going to do?" Minzy asked, she sat besides Bom who had her arms wrapped around her knees."We've been travelling for days, searching for a way out, were running out of food-"

"Hey I just noticed something on this map!" Sehun burst out, "Theres a cabin thats located in the center of the woods, which is what were close to. Usually they have food, water, and wifi supplied. The question is should we take a chance and head to the cabin? Or do we continue looking for the exit?"

"If we go to the cabin, and theres wifi, we could possibly call for help" Amber pointed out. "And we could also get food.."

"How far is the cabin from here?" I asked Sehun.

"Around 30 miles, maybe more..."

"But do we even know if that cabin has been maintained after all these years?" Bom asked, "No one goes into this forest anyways"

Shes right...

"Should we even risk the time?" Kevin added, "We only have some fish, and the water is almost gone. If we go to the cabin and nothing is there, we'd just waste time"

"I think we should do it" Suho spoke up, "CL sent out the guys to look for help right? And they should have a spare map with them if they have the bus driver, how else did he get us around right? The first place they'd probably head to is the cabin. Its a long shot, but we should try it"

"Hmm..we should go to the cabin then.." I decided, "Well set out in a couple of hours, we have to start as soon as the sun rises, everybody get some rest"


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