Chapter Twenty-One (Contest!)

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This a special chapter since this is a 2NE1 fanfiction, and this is chapter TWENTY ONE---

To celebrate, I'll allow three of my lovely readers to appear in this story  and  give them a shout out as well ! What you have to do is comment below why you think you should be featured in this story, why you enjoy reading this fanfiction and also vote! I'll message the winners, and we can discuss how your appearance will look like in the story etc. 

I'll have this contest opened until September 10th,  good luck and thanks for reading  ❤❤❤


Bom's POV

"Unnie, wake up"

I opened my eyes to find CL standing in front of my bed, she held a frightened look in her eyes. 

"What happened?" I quickly got up, sensing that something was very wrong, but then immediately regretted after my head started to throb. Today's events had given me a migraine, and I had no idea how I would function for the rest of the day. 

"Were leaving" she simply stated. She gathered the blankets that were wrapped around me and started to the fold them, "You should use the bathroom before we go"

"Right now?" I groaned, my head started to pound even harder. 

"Yes, right now damn it!" she snapped,as she placed the blankets in a back pack. 

Umm, what had gotten into her

I silently watched as she stomped out of the bedroom and down the stairs. CL usually didn't lose her cool so easily, yes she was a strong woman and very charismatic, but she was also very kind and comforting. She usually wasn't so hostile. 

I slowly stood out of bed, my vision was slightly blurred so I had to take tiny steps. Eventually, my vision returned and after using the bathroom I followed the rest of the gang outside.


Dear Diary, 

Today was pretty hectic, CL is in a really bad mood-which isn't like her, Dara is still upset over what Niel told her, and Bom has a horrible migraine. Luckily, we have made progress on the route back to the bus, were almost there, at least thats what Suho says. 

Speaking of Suho, I like him, he's pretty cool. And it seems like he has a crush on CL, I can tell by the way he looks at her. Anyways, if we make it out alive, I hope that they can fall in love and get married.

Sadly, at this point, Im afraid of whether or not we'll make it out of these woods alive. I have a feeling that CL is hiding something from us.

I just don't know what it is...


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