Chapter Twenty Eight

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When Jay Park woke up, he was immediately hit with a strong stench of blood and vomit.

He slowly struggled to open his eyes, but they were mostly swollen shut, resulting in his vision being very limited. He gently peered around his surroundings, the sudden movement caused him to moan in pain. He paused and breathed before he noticed he was still strapped to the same chair as before, in the dark dingy room where he had lost consciousness. Now, his fingers that were brutally smashed and broken with a hammer by Kang, were roughly bandaged.

Why would that bastard bandage my injuries? Jay Park thought, until it it him.

He doesn't want me to die, so he can continue to torture me.

"No, I won't let that happen!" Jay groaned, he struggled against the straps on the chair with all his might.

"Yes, I really have a grudge against that Big Bang member T.O.P" A loud deep voice reverberated from the halls.

Thats Kang... Jay stopped struggling against the straps in order to overhear what Kang was talking about.

"I'm going to get that guy really good" Kang continued, "I'll torture him so bad, he'll wish-Oh yeah ofcourse the other Big Bang members will get it too-oh yes"

Jay stopped eavesdropping, he had heard enough. It was time for him to get out of this place pronto, but how?

He continued to struggle against the straps until he noticed something that he would be grateful for, for the rest of his life.

A couple feet away from him, but not too far that he wouldn't be able to scoot his chair towards it, was a crate of tools that Kang had used to torture Jay.

Jay laughed softly to himself. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me..


Everytime I search 'Jay Park Gifs' I'm always amused, hes so interesting lol Please VOTE lovelies, and thankyou for reading!

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