Chapter Twenty-Five

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Psst..Hey Guys-Sorry its been a while since I've last updated some chapters, Its been a hectic two weeks for me, first it was Eid (a holiday I celebrate), then I had to visit my cousin in the hospital, and she was having her baby (he wasn't expected for another two months!) Its ok though, they're both doing fine, and then I had an exam in Microbiology!! UGHH but im back now lol To the winners of the competition, don't worry your characters are in the works and will be featured in due time ;) Ok now lets get back to the story, don't forget to vote or share please! Love you guys XOXO


Bom's POV

My migraine had gotten worse.

It felt like a hammer was pounding on the sides of my head with such a violent force that it would burst, my eyes were beginning to blur and I felt dizzy. I rummaged through my bags in search of any medication or pills that could help lesson the excruciating pain, but unfortunately I didn't pack any pain medications, I only had vitamins, and that couldn't stop a migraine.

Minzy helped to wrap a blanket around me, and then she gently positioned my head against a pillow. It was kind of her to nurture me like that, and It helped a little bit.

I was currently looking out of the bus window, gazing at the sun setting in the deep blue skies. I have to admit, if we weren't in such a bad situation, maybe I would have admired the landscape a bit more.

The bus continued on its rocky trail,we were following a route on the map that should guide us out of these woods, hopefully.

"You feeling any better Unnie?" Minzy asked, placing a hand onto my forehead.

"No" I groaned, "I'm sorry" I leaned my head onto the window and shut my eyes tight.

"Don't apologize, It's not like you asked to be sick all of a sudden" She rubbed my arm, and then returned to quietly chatting with Kai.

He was handsome, that kid. He was practically the face of Exo, with his impressive looks and sexy tan skin, Kai had all the girls fawning over him.

Aigoo! Why am I thinking about this now of all times?!

"Hey guys.." Amber's voice held a nervous tone, and stopped all conversation on the bus. She jerked the vehicle to a stop, and then stood up, pointing at a large sign perched on the side of the road.

"Omg" I muttered, after reading the sign. My migraine had suddenly got even worse with this sudden turn of events.

"What the.." Kevin mused, he jumped up from his seat and stared at the sign also. The others stood up and inched towards the bus windows to peer at the old rustic sign.

Suho had woken CL from her nap and informed her on what was going on. She glanced at the words on the sign but then shook her head.

"We have no other choice, there's no other way out. We'll just have to be careful"

Once CL had made her decision, the stars returned to their seats. Not entirely comfortable with what the sign said, but did they have any other choice?

Amber revved the engine, and drove on forward, past the creepy message on this sign.

It read, in large red letter fonts:

'Warning, Turn Back, You Are Now Entering the Danger Zone'

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