Chapter Thirty Six

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Thank You christinawei for the many VOTES you've given this story!! 

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Thank You christinawei for the many VOTES you've given this story!! 

This chapter is dedicated to you  ❤

Up above is an image of how the spider creatures look like, scary I know..


  "I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear." ― Nelson Mandela   

Jay Park's POV Continued....

 "And that's what happened.." I glanced at the others after finishing the gruesome story. Suho's face paled as he soaked in the details of what happened, it bothered him that someone as cruel as Kang could really exist in this world. Sunshine's large eyes stared blankly at the forest ground beneath her long thin legs. She told me during our journey that Kang had kept her captive because she amused him, but eventually he would have killed her as well.

CL was lying on her back, staring at the deep black sky, she was silent for a couple moments before she sat up and spoke. "Your'e skipping some details aren't you" She stared at me, her cat like eyes studied my injuries, "What exactly happened to the others?"

I lowered my eyes, avoiding her gaze. "They were killed" I muttered after a couple of moments.

"Killed how"

"Chaerin ah" Suho began to scold. He lightly pressed on her arm, the apparent skin ship showed that the two had become closer with one another, maybe even in a romantic way.

"I need details," she explained, her eyes blaze with fury, "I need to know the exact process Kang used to lure you guys in and kill the others If we want to defeat Kang"

I raised my eyebrows at this, defeat Kang?

CL noticed my stare and tilted her head at me. "Is there a problem?"

"Defeat Kang, CL do you know what your'e saying?"  I shut my eyes, imagining the tremendous pain and anguish our dead teammates felt as they were murdered. I wasn't that close with them, but nonetheless, they were my teammates, and even more than that, they were human beings, it didn't matter if I was close to them or not, they didn't deserve that.

"Don't speak so lightly," I gave a bitter laugh, "We have no chance against Kang"

"How do you know if we haven't even tried?" CL jumped up, her eyes bore into mine. "We can't just run away, obviously we have a faulty map given to us by Kang so we can't really rely on it, and there are spider mutant beasts that are out to get us"

"Exactly!" I hissed, "So what makes you think we can defeat him, our best bet is to run-"

"Run?!" CL shouted loosing her cool, Sunshine and Suho cringed,"What has running done for us except get members killed? We need to fight back, find out the weakness of those beasts-"

"You're insane, fight beasts, are you out of your mind? I saw my own friends get killed right in front of my eyes, and your'e spitting dumb ideas about fighting these things-"

"Hey guys, come on" Suho came in between us while Sunshine gawked at the scene.

"Jay," CL continued, her eyes sparkled, "We have an advantage, you and Sunshine were both physically at the Colosseum, right in the middle of the enemies headquarters. You had the strength to accomplished something amazing, so why are you afraid to fight back?"


They stared at me, their expressions weary with fatigue, waiting for my response.

I sighed, "Because it wasn't strength that helped me to escape, it was luck"


"I'm tired CL, I'd like to sleep if that's OK"

She nodded.

 I could tell her mind hasn't changed about fighting the beasts though. I watched as she curled back into her makeshift bed beside Suho. Her posture stiff and rigid, her breaths jagged. She was pretending to be asleep but I could tell she was awake, probably formulating a plan in her mind.

I turned away, did CL have a point? Would running away only be a game for Kang? Was that what he wanted us to do in the first place...

"Good Night Jay" Sunshine whispered, she tugged her blanket closer around her shoulders and fell asleep quickly.

"Good Night.." but I knew that for me it wouldn't be a good night, horrible events would plague my dreams, just like they have for the past days.

How will this game end?

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