Chapter Thirty-Four

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Thanks to @kyungshnavi for regularly leaving comments and voting :D

From here on out I will be dedicating chapters to my lovely readers that vote and comment!

  "Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."
―Lao Tzu   


            The sun set and now Suho and I were enveloped by darkness. We held to each other even tighter as we marched through the silent woods, the only sounds we could hear were the sounds of our footsteps and our labored breathing. Despite the two flashlights that we each held in our free hands, the tall trees that towered above us still made it difficult to see where we were going. I could sense the heavy beating of my heart, any moment one of those monsters could show up and kill us.

         "Suho?" I asked when he had suddenly stopped besides me. 

         "Lets camp here" he spoke, his face an emotionless mask, I sensed that he was taking this new turn of events even harder than I was, two members of his own team have betrayed him. With a heavy sigh I nodded and followed as he pulled out the tent from his backpack.

          We worked in silence, after we built the tent we set our blankets and pillows inside, then Suho grabbed a large stick to use as a weapon just in case one of those monsters did appear. 

           I  lied down beside him and snuggled into his chest. He wrapped an arm around me and pulled me closer to him. His hair had grown considerably longer in the past weeks, and he had a little facial hair. I immediately became self conscious, I haven't looked into a mirror in ages, did I stink? It had been a couple days since our last shower at the cabin. What about my hair, was it dirty? I glanced at the dirty strands of my blond hair.  I soon became uncomfortable and squirmed away from Suho. He stared at me with confusion. "Whats the matter?" he asked in a soft whisper. I laughed nervously. "I look so gross right now" 

          Suho smiled and pulled me into a warm embrace. "Hey," he kissed the top of my forehead, "We only have each other right?" his hand cupped my chin, his thumb softly rubbed against my cheek. I nodded, "Yes, for now. Lets not lose hope Suho". His facial expression darkened. "About that.." he sighed and relaxed into his pillows. "Chaerin, what if this is our last night together?"

           "Suho.." I grumbled, "You have to optimistic-"

          "No, we have to be realistic" he ran his hand through his unruly brown hair, "This could be our last chance know"

        I blushed at the realization of what he meant. Maybe he was right, and I knew Suho was the man for me, but I wanted my first time to be magical and romantic. I stunk, my hair was hideous, and I felt gross. 

       But would this really be our last night together? I looked at the man of my dreams and felt my heart flutter. I decided that it was time, tomorrow wasn't guaranteed. Even if I didn't look my best, at this moment that didn't really matter. I gulped, it was now or never.


      "Hello! Is any one there!?" The cries of a familiar person came from outside the tent. Suho and I glanced at each other before jumping out of the tent to see who needed our help.

     I almost fainted when I saw who it was.

     Thin, pale, and covered in blood from head to toe, barely able to stand and only with the help of a female who I didn't recognize,was  none other than our friend.....

Jay Park.

Jay Park is back baby! And who is this new female character?? hehehe Don't worry, you'll find out soon enough ;D From here on out I will be dedicating chapters to my lovely readers that both comment and vote, if you think I've forgotten you don't worry I havent, there are more chapters to come.

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