Chapter Four

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"We have a long day ahead of us" Bom sighed as she dressed in her purple tracksuit, and pulled her long red hair into a ponytail. She brushed her bangs forward before applying some lip gloss from the Korean cosmetic brand, Etude House. 

"It'll be fun" Minzy assured her, "We exercise all the time anyways" She was already dressed in her blue tracksuit, and was combing her shoulder length black hair. She was growing it out and planned to dye it red, not as bright as Bom's, but similar to it.

We were all seated in the living room of our dorm, preparing to go training with our trainer Hwangssabu. Today was going to be a very busy day, we'll have to train all day to be able to master the Mud Courses, tomorrow was the competition after all.

I myself was wearing a neon yellow tracksuit, courtesy of my boo Jermey Scott. I tied my dark blond hair into two pigtails, then pulled out my phone to take a selfie with the girls.

"We have fifteen minutes until our driver gets here" Dara announced as she entered the room. She was dressed in a pink tracksuit, and her hair was styled in her signature "palm tree" style.

"Ok then, in the meantime I guess I can tell you guys my strange dream I had last night!" Bommie giggled and ushered us closer to her.

"Another one of your strange dreams?!" Dara grinned, "Who was in it?"

"T.o.p and Siwon" Bom smirked.

"Omo!!" We all shrieked, situated ourselves in front of her, and waited for her to continue.

 "Ok~I was sitting down on a park bench munching on some corn when suddenly..............

BAM! A frog appeared before my eyes. It was huge! Green and covered with bumps all over. And it also had a crown on its head.

The frog then spoke, "Greetings Princess, I am Choi Siwon of Super Junior, and I have come to ask for your hand in marriage"

"Choi Siwon!" I gasped, "How did you turn into a frog? And why do you want to marry me???"

"I love you Park Bom!" He said, "Your adorable cheeks, your sparkling eyes, your angelic voice~

But T.O.P knew how I felt about you, and didn't want you to marry me. So he cursed me and turned me into a frog"

"Oh no! Why would T.O.P care about that?"

Siwon then stared at me blankly and mumbled, "Hes in love with you as well"

GASP! A LOVE TRIANGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????

"My love," Siwon continued, "Please kiss me-only then will I return to my normal self"

"Ok Siwon," I stood up and pecked him on the forehead softly, "Only because you're my bias in Super Junior"

In a flash, he turned into a young handsome men.

My eyes were focused on his super expensive shoes first, then to his strikingly white pants, suit and tie, and then to his face.

"You're not Siwon!" I choked.

The man had spiky white hair, and huge eyebrows that could stop any woman in their tracks.

"T.O.P!" I shouted, "What the hell?"

"Muhahahahaahaha!" T.O.P laughed in a creepy voice, "I tricked you noona~"

"But why??"

"Why?" He smirked, "I was just bored..."

"T.O.P I will get you for this!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, I kept screaming and screaming and screaming until I couldn't scream any more. When I finally opened my eyes, I saw that my whole body has turned into corn!

T.O.P stared at me, and then shouted for help.

But it was too late.

I screamed once more, and the huge corn I turned into exploded. Corn pieces flew everywhere, knocking T.O.P out, and reducing the park into smithereens.

I then turned into my normal self, and ate up all the corn.

~The End~


"Wow Bommie!" Dara sighed, "You're so cool, even in your dreams!"

"I know" Bom smirked, "Too bad I couldn't get a make out session with either one of the guys"

"Okayy, too much info~" I laughed, "Lets get going, our rides here"

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