Chapter Twenty Seven

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Kim Hyun Joong shuddered at the frigid sensation from the river water.

He held his breath as he engulfed his whole body into the stream, the water reached up to his shoulders now. The river was calm during the evening, so he didn't need to worry about a strong current. He washed his clothes earlier, and now they lay on a rock a couple feet away, drying in the cool crisp air. Tightening his eyes shut, he attempted to erase the horrific scenes that took place a few days earlier. But still, he couldn't delete the images of how his friends were eaten alive in that awful, disturbing way.

He had to remind himself that there was nothing he could have done about their deaths, and he was lucky to even escape in the narrow hole, hidden in the Colosseum wall, as the beast was busy devouring Siwon.

An intimidating building, its massive size and stony walls seemed so out of place and modern in the Museobda forest. What was its purpose other than ruining peoples lives and eating K-idols?

The young man sighed, he would have to worry about that later. For now, he needed to find the others and warn them, before it was too late....


Enjoy that Kim Hyun Joong gif above? I think hes cute too lol Don't forget to VOTE VOTE VOTE (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧Lets try to get this story to get a Watty Award next year!!! And I really need your votes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) We can do it!! \( ಠ益ಠ)/

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