Chapter Twenty Four

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Dara's POV

"Noona, I'm sorry"

Niel, the twenty one year old member of Teen Top, bowed his head in sincere apology. His large round eyes brimmed with fresh tears and his knuckles turned pale white from how hard he was gripping his jeans. He wouldn't raise his head until I accepted his apology.

The two of us stood outside of the bus, waiting for Suho and Chanyeol to finish pouring fuel into it. Our group had made it back to this spot in less than two days, the food from the cabin provided sufficient sustenance for us, and so we made better progress than we have been lately. While the other kpop idols were already situated in the bus, Niel took me to the side so that we could talk.

"Gwaen-cha-nah, its OK Niel" I offered a smile and patted his thin shoulder. "I know you were just afraid, everybody is, I don't blame you"

"Still! I was wrong to speak to you that way" He shook his head, tears poured from his eyes. "I-I'm ashamed of myself" He bowed his head once more.

My eyes widened at this sudden action from Niel. He really wanted me to forgive him. I hadn't known him that well as a person, and these past few days our exchanges haven't been so friendly, but Niel wasn't so bad as I thought. He was owning up to his mistakes.

Oh Niel.. "I forgive you OK?" I lightly punched him on the head, "Trust me, I don't carry a grudge"

Niel slowly rose his head from his position and smiled, his eyes lit up. "Ok Dara noona, kamsamnida"

I nodded, and watched him as he ran into the bus.

Shivering, I tightened the shawl Bom had given me earlier around my shoulders. The cool weather was starting to take its toll on me. The skies were beginning to darken, it was evening after all. I walked over to the opposite side of the bus, where Suho and Chanyeol were still working on the fuel.

"You guys need any help?" I asked.

"No, were about done here" Chanyeol answered. With one last heave, him and Suho poured the remaining amount of fuel into the bus, then tossed the canister away. "Lets get going"

We walked into the bus together, and then took a seat in the front row, on the left side of the bus.

Niel, and Chunji sat in the row across from ours, on the right side of the bus, right next to the door. I watched how they whispered to one another in hushed tones. My attention then turned towards CL and Suho, who were in the row behind us, CL was asleep, her head rolled onto the window, and Suho relaxed himself into a position where he could nap comfortable. Minzy and Bom positioned themselves in the row besides the pair, they were silent, mostly since Bom had a horrible migraine, and Minzy was just tired. Kevin, Kiseop, Kai, Luhan and Sehun were all seated at the back row, each occupied with their own thoughts.

Amber was in charge of driving, I was shocked to find her there myself, but she was confident in her driving abilities. The young woman stood with a fearless certainty, she was determined to make it out of these dreadful woods alive, and with her teammates of course.

"Everyone on board?" She asked, searching to see if any persons didn't make it to the bus.

"Everyone's here Amber!" Kevin shouted from the back of the bus.

"Alright," She turned her head back to the front, "Its go time"

I leaned my head against Chanyeol's shoulder as the bus's engine roared to life. These past few days we have gotten closer to each other. He had confessed his feelings for me the other day. Normally, if we were back in the bustling city of Seoul, where most of us reside, I might have turned him down since he was part of the very popular boy group Exo. His fangirls would be sure to come after me, and the media would love to pester me about it.

But...things have changed.

Something bizarre was going on. No, we weren't just trapped in these woods by accident. It was too much of a coincidence that our bus ran out of fuel so quick into the trip, and then a man gets murdered in the cabin, a man whose last words were to warn us to run.

Run from what, I don't know exactly...

Perhaps he meant to run out of these woods, or maybe to run away from the person who murdered him-maybe that person was still around. And was it a person? He did speak of strange experimentations and creatures in these woods, maybe-

I could feel the hairs on the back of my neck prickling. This was too much, too much was going on and we were all confused and scared. I hated to think it, but what if we-

What if we died?

"Dara" Chanyeol's large hands reached over my own in an attempt to comfort me. I gazed into his honey brown eyes and smiled. He smiled back, and traced one of his fingers along my jawline. I blushed at this bold move, but I didn't mind.

"Everything will be ok" he whispered, his eyes focused on mine.

I nodded, what the hell was I thinking? Of course we would be ok, we wouldn't die. The fact that we weren't killed in the cabin further proves that we aren't targets. And besides..

I have Chanyeol here to protect me..

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