Chapter Twenty

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"We have to leave, now" I said after reluctantly pulling away from Suho's embrace. The strong stench of blood coming from the dead body was starting to make me sick to my stomach. What's more, the picture of us we found in the man's wallet scared the hell out of me.

Were not alone in these woods, I realized.

Maybe, just maybe, everything that had happened until now wasn't just a prank from T.o.p. Maybe we were in real actual danger, and T.o.p as well.

"CL.." Suho spoke in a soft hushed tone, "Should we tell the others about the picture?"

"No, not now" I sighed, "If we tell them right now, they'll freak out. We just need to get out of here pronto"

Suho nodded and followed me out of the room, tucking the picture into his jean pocket.

We silently walked into the living room, both of us immersed into our own thoughts and worries. Once we came into view, Minzy and Niel immediately rushed over to us.

"Unnie, we found fuel!" Minzy bounced over to me and proudly held the large yellow container.

"Hey, when are we leaving this place?" Niel snapped, pushing past Minzy. He narrowed his eyes at Suho and I, "Because I don't think I can stay here any minute longer, when there's a murderer among us!"

"Wait, what?" I stared at Niel, "What do you mean a murderer among us, who started that rumour-"

"Oh shut  up CL, you cant possibly think that some random guy killed the cabin owner" Niel crossed his arms over his chest before continuing, "Someone in this house had to have killed him, and I think its Dara" He motioned a finger to where Dara was at, sitting on the couch besides Chanyeol.

Dara looked up when her name was mentioned, but then she immediately looked down into her lap avoiding eye contact with me. Chanyeol put a protective arm around her shoulders, and glared back at Niel.

Huh? " What is this about Niel?"

"Oh, Cut the bull shit CL!" Niel inched closer to my face. Even though I didn't know Niel that well as a person, I hadn't expected this side of him. I backed away, putting a distance between him and I.

"Dara wakes up before anyone else, and finds that man dead? What was she doing up anyways, and how can you believe her story so easily-oh I know why, its because you guys are friends".

"Niel!" I gasped, "How could you accuse Dara of such a thing, Dara would never-"

"Ok, but how do you know?" Niel interrupted, "Do you really know CL? Do you?" He gave me a hard stare and then stomped away, gesturing for Chunji to follow him. I silently watched as they walked outside of the cabin, to who knows where.

The silent sounds of Dara's crying broke me out of my reverie. Chanyeol attempted to comfort her, but she still continued to sob. Luhan, Sehun and Kai were sitting in the dining room, across from where Minzy, Suho and I were standing. They were silent, staring into their bowls of soup. Amber, Kevin and Kiseop had just entered the cabin from the backdoor, they looked at me with questioning faces but I only shrugged in response, I had no idea what was going on.

I walked over to Dara, and kneeled before her. "Dara unnie, please stop crying, just tell me what this is all about".

Dara cried some more, but after some gentle coaxing from Chanyeol she began to speak.

"After you and Suho went to investigate the man's body, Niel started to have a panic attack" Dara sniffed, "Then he started to say that I murdered him, but I didn't I really didn't CL.."

"I believe you" I took her hands in mine and massaged them gently, "Don't let him get to you, he's just afraid"

Dara shook her head, tears still pouring from her eyes, "I would never do something like that"

"I know, I know" I sighed.

"CL," I turned around and noticed that Amber was gesturing for me to approach her.

"Whats up?" 

"Kevin, Kiseop and I just went for a walk outside, then we heard howling noises" she whispered. She scratched the back of her neck, a habit of hers she did whenever she was nervous or uncomfortable.

"Howling? Like a wolf?"

"It was worse than a wolf" Kiseop spoke in a grim tone, he hesitated before speaking, "It sounded worse, louder and fiercer"

"CL, there's something dangerous out there" Kevin added, "And I think it knows were here"


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