Chapter Twenty Nine

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Hello Lovelies! The past couple of weeks have been pretty tough for me, my mom went into surgery. Everything is OK now, but this chapter is extra long to make up for the late upload. Anyways, finally the winners of the competition will be featured starting from this chapter and out! If you guys are interested, maybe I could host more competitions, just let me know in the comments and If I get alot of you guys asking for it, I'll do another one!

Introducing Soli! AKA pervycharlie charachter!!! I used that image (Its CHOA from AOA) above since it fit a lot of the character's features!

Thanks for reading, and please don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT, and SHARE! Lets try to get this story to win a Watty award! Thanks loves :D


G-Dragon's POV

After the lengthy interview with the police, we told the stars that were going to be part of our team in the competition to just go home, the competition was officially cancelled. The local police believed that this was just a minor incident, nothing to really worry about, just an average sasaeng trying to get attention from us. But just in case for our safety, we were brought to Sarang hotel for the week, a small love hotel located at the edge of Seoul city. Distant from civilization,  we weren't allowed to leave until the police were sure that everything was really OK.

Speaking of that, how long does it really take to investigate some petty sasaeng action?

It really sucks because so far we've been locked up in this place for 3 days now and Papa YG was pissed. It didn't help that he found out we planned a competition behind his back instead of telling him upfront we didn't want to go on vacation with him. Whats more, he couldn't get in contact with his girls, 2ne1.

What a mess. 

"They're still not answering their phones" Daesung grumbled, appearing from the small kitchen. His thick brows drew together and he frowned. Irritated, he threw his phone to the ground. It hit the plush red carpet beneath our feets.

I tucked my feet underneath me and rested my head against the arm of the cheap love couch I was seated on. The channel on the TV set to a soap opera, and the soft pink lights from the lamps set a romantic aura to the room, courtesy of the hotel. Earlier I called CL 13 times to let her know what was going on, but still no answer from her. That was pretty odd, especially coming from her.

"You think they just don't have signal because they're in the woods still?" Seungri asked as he rubbed his tired panda eyes. He sat beside me on the couch, his legs rested on the pink coffee table, and a bag of bbq flavored chips on his lap. Orange crumbs covered his lips and fell atop his black t-shirt. He adjusted his grey beanie over his shortly cropped haircut before reaching for another handful of chips.

"Hmm, that could be" I replied, as I stroked my silver locks of hair,  "But that was days ago-they should be at the Mud Courses by now, not still in the woods" Taeyang, shirtless and only wearing boxers with his hair styled into a man bun, returned from the bathroom and plumped himself besides Seungri grabbing a handful of chips from his bag.

'"Hey.." Seungri whined, he swung his bare toes at Taeyang, but Taeyang in returned slapped them with the teddy bear pillow behind him. "Shut up punk" he quipped with an amused expression on his face.

"Somethings wrong" Top spoke in a low voice barely above a whisper. He stood up from his chair across from ours and began pacing the room. His broad shoulders tensed and his angular jaw set. He wore a v neck sweater despite the warmth in the room and dark blue jeans. His dark brown hair wasn't gelled into its usual style, instead it cascaded in short waves. The ceiling of our hotel suite was low, and Top's 6 foot height could barely fit in the compact room. 

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