Chapter Seven

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Dear Diary,

                 Its 9pm, the two teams still have not returned yet.( ̄。 ̄) It's pretty late, I hope they're alright. 2ne1 and Amber are the only ones that stayed back, as we set up camp CL unnie talked to us about what she thinks is going on.

According to Unnie, she believes T.O.P gave us the wrong map on purpose and she thinks that it couldnt have been a coincedence that the bus ran out of gas that quick. We were only on the bus for less than half an hour before the driver said that we  ran out of gas. Also, its his job to know how much gas is in the bus.

Amber also said that she saw the driver and T.O.P talk privately earlier, but didn't think anything of it. Maybe the bus driver and T.O.P conspired against us together. Maybe this is all a prank and we're on a secret camera.

Maybe that's too far fetched..

I really don't know, CL said she doesn't either. But she says that she doesn't  really trust the driver (╯3╰)

Aigoo! Maybe this trip was a bad idea :(

I have to go now..I need to start get some sleep (︶︹︺)


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