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Hey, my name is Madeline Bates. People usually call me Maddie. I’m your average 17 year old girl who’s a senior and going to college next year. Dancing is my passion and I have a sister two years younger than me named Natalie and an older sister Jessie. I’m not exactly an outcast but I’m definitely not popular. I get probably the best grades in the school, I’m not a rebel, and I can’t ever say no to anyone. I’m the good girl.

I basically play every girls sport there is besides softball and lacrosse which means I do swimming, cheerleading and soccer.

See here’s the story. I am a dancer and it's my passion. I'm good at cheer but I don't do school cheer because I can’t stand those bitches. Their mean, cruel, evil, and did I mention bitchy?

I am in school soccer and I was so close to becoming captain until Kendall Heights was voted captain.

Kendall Heights is the main bitch of the school. She thinks she runs it like it’s her kingdom. She and her possy are the reasons why I don’t do school cheerleading. She’s captain of the cheer squad and captain of the girls’ soccer team. She’s not even that good at soccer to be honest. There are about 5 other girls on the team that can be captain instead of her; but since she’s queen bee, of course everyone voted for her. But one day someone’s going stand up to that whore and that’s going to be the day she’s ruled down.

Swimming I do for fun and I’m a really fast swimmer; I actually really enjoy it.

But anyways; my life is pretty boring other than the sports I do.  

So after I went to a Drew Parker concert that my best friend Rachel brought me too, I lost my bracelet that my Nani gave me before she passed away. She meant the world to me; she was basically my best friend, and I loved her so much.

But I always vowed to myself that I would never fall for a jerk, or never fall for a player, or any guy that had girls wrapped around his middle finger every day. I vowed to never to let myself get hurt again, to trust someone who I’d knew, would break my heart, and to never fall too hard. But if I did fall, I vowed that, it’d have someone who’d catch me…

And that all changed after I met, Drew Parker.

Drew Parker here! 17 years old, living the life. I have my own place that I bought myself, being the world’s teen pop sensation and all.

I love my life. I have money, my own place, I’m Hollywood’s golden boy, and the most wanted boyfriend in America and other countries.

I’m not that obsessed with money; honestly I don’t really need my own money considering my parent were sort of rich before I even became famous.

I love the fact that I always get girls. I can walk into a restaurant and walk past a teenage couple on a date and the will turn all her attention on me. Of course the guys would get pissed about it; but I enjoyed it. But too bad for her, I’m not the stealing type of guy. I know it’s hard to believe but, I don’t steal girls that are already in a relationship; it causes too much drama if I did.

I’ve always wanted to go to college, even though I’m a pop star; but with all the tours, and concerts and signings and business I have to do; I never get a break; which means there’d definitely be no college time allowed, and my parents wouldn’t let me go anyways, even though I’m 17 and can afford my own tuition. My parent claim they have this power over me and that they can take me down anytime they want. And believe it or not, they could.

Honestly, I’ve been getting tired of the whole, ‘one-night stand’ thing with girls. I just wish I could find the right girl and settle down; but knowing me that’d never happen. #1, because I like girls… they’re hard to resist when they offer themselves to you. #2, If I’d settle down with girl, I’d lose fans or my manager would tell me to dump because she’s either a waste my time or just causing more trouble for the business. And #3, I’m Drew Parker, I get with girls all the time and I’ve been in so many fake relationships, I probably wouldn’t be able to tell if she was faking around me because of who I am, or if she really liked me, for me.

I was in the one relationship for almost 8 months. I loved her, but then I heard her talking to someone on the phone saying how she was with me for money, fame, and just so I’d buy her stuff. She played me, and that’s when I decided not to give a shit anymore and just hook-up and get it over with.

Girls have tried many times to report to the press and say that I broke their heart, I’m a cheater, or I even got them pregnant! What the fuck? But eventually everyone realized all those girls were lying, but every time it’s brought up they believe them and don’t realize they lied until a couple of weeks after it happened.

So after a meet-and-greet I had one night after a concert in New York, which is my hometown by the way; I met a girl.

And after that meet-and-greet, my life had changed, once I met, Maddie Bates.

So this is just the prologue... I really hope you guys save my story to your reading list or library. I promise you that this will be a great, intersting story!! Thanks! :)

And everyone please vote and comment because it keeps me motivated to keep writing this story. I hate ghost readers, but it'd help a lot if you all could please vote and comment more so I know what all y'all are thinking. Thanks so much guys :D ~gymxlissy

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