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You guys asked for it even tho my fake nails right now don't like me I'll still do it for you!!! Can't wait for this to end though... Not that I don't like this book it's just this was a test kind of book to figure out how I like to write for example I changed how they talked so I could make them have a little more action when they talk. But anyway let's guuuu!
Katelyn POV

Oh my Irene.... Today was the best day ever! It is probably the most I have ever laughed in years...

Travis POV

.... I'm so dead...

Katelyn POV

Ok so me and Travis have been trying for a baby for awhile it just hasn't been working and I'm worried that we won't be able to, but I never lost hope. Anyway my dad was visiting to check on us because well you know he's a dad. I made dinner and Travis helped, so after that was done we all sat down and started to eat. It was pretty quiet till I needed more flavor so I said, "hey daddy can you pass the salt?" Referring to my DAD. And... Both Travis and Eric reached for the salt 😂. Now I didn't know if I should be embarrassed or laughing my ass off right now. It didn't help that my dad looked at Travis ready to kill.

Short story short Travis will have to change his I-D and live in Mexico or something. "You will never touch or look at my sugar pea ever again!" I heard my dad yell while still chasing him. Should I help? Probably should...

(That was kind of a side funny story I saw)

Travis POV

Eric finally stopped chasing me and eventually let me look at Katelyn again. He even said that I was macho! Ok I lied he didn't stop because I was macho... It was because Katelyn just made him leave. I was so embarrassed... But Katelyn thought it was the funniest thing! "S-sorry! I just- can't-can't stop laughing!" She says in between breathes. "Oh ha ha! Very funny Katelyn..."  She just keeps laughing ignoring my sarcasm, making her vulnerable. I bit my lip.

2 weeks later...

Katelyn POV

I'm pregnant... I'm finally pregnant! How should I tell Travis? What about that thing from the fan fic? Nah I don't think he will like that... I'll just do it Katelyn style! "TRAVIS!!! There's another dork on the way!" I yell at Travis as he ran down the stairs.
"Dante?" "While that is true, nope something more exciting!" He looks at me curiously, Irene he is clueless... "I'm pregnant!" He just stared at me, he looks really dumbfounded. "OH MY IRENE YOU'RE PREGNANT!!!!!" He picks me up and hugs me tightly. I just let it slide because... I'm pregnant! And I'm too excited to let anything bad happen!

Then someone knocked on the door. Wonder who it is... Spoke too soon it was m-my mom... She looked at me with guilt and sorrow "H-hey Katie..." "You lost your right to call me that" Travis walks over to me and puts his hand around my hip, "who's this?" Elizabeth asks. "He's my fiancé" "w-wow you're getting m-married..." She looked like she was about to brake down and bawl. And for some odd reason I hugged her, maybe it was because I was too happy to even let anyone else be sad. Then I did something even crazier "I forgive you..." Den Travis be standing in the background like o-o.

Tank chu for dealing with my crazy weird book, although like I've said a million times I'm glad how it turned out and can't wait for my new book that is already out!
Bye my little badgers!~

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