Chapter 6: Not so bad

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If you already couldn't tell I LOVE Imagine Dragons they are my favorite band but I like some other songs once in awhile so here is a Alan Walker song faded cause I love that song too and I totally didn't almost forget the title at all! Also Kawaii-Chan is now KC cause I'm really lazy to put that whole name in there.
Katelyn POV
When I started walking home with Aphmau and KC, I noticed KC fan-girling.

Katelyn:KC you ok?

She just turns and looks at me with the creepiest face I've ever seen in my whole life like she was about to kidnap someone.

Me:uh what
Aphmau: she means her OTPs are sailing
Katelyn:which is?
KC:Aarmau, Garrence, AND Travlyn!!!
Me:Travlyn? That's a new one...
KC:hehehe... Katelyn-Sama won't wanna know

We walk back to the house and when I walk in I see KC race all the way to the basement. She seems to go down there often I wonder what is down there... Curiosity got the best of me so I snuck down stairs and I saw KC. And she was on her knees chanting something. I look above her and see something awful... Me and Travis.....

Me:KC WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
KC:Y-y-you see KCs OTPs aren't a joke so I pray to the shipping gods so they can come true...
Me:well I don't want to disappoint you but me and Travis will NEVER be a thing so take the stupid shrines down with the other ships what are they called Aarmau and Garrence?
KC:B-but please they don't bother you
Me:I don't care. Take. Them. Down
KC:*whispers* no promises

I decided to go back upstairs cause the basement creeps me out and now I know why. Ugh I just wish KC would just mind her own life I love her and all but she can get really annoying with the shipping shit. Annnnnnd of course aph took the TV and is using it for a stupid kid show. I have nothing to doooo I'm so bored!

Travis POV

I'm sooooo bored! Oh I know what to do! I'll go over to the girls house! And maybe I'll see Katelyn. And with that thought I raced over there like a champ and knocked on the door. I saw the blue beauty herself.

Me:heyyyyyyy Katelyn
Katelyn: what do you want dork?
Me:well I was bored cause all the guys are at work
Katelyn:don't you have to go to work?
Me:nah I got fired pretty recently
Katelyn:wonder why...
Me:hey it wasn't my fault they shouldn't have let me cook I burn cereal!
Katelyn:*laughs* well I'm bored too I guess so come in
Me:YES! I mean... Thank you M'lady
Katelyn:psh dork

She lets me in and I see Aphmau watching my little horsies. Of course.

Katelyn:KC wants me to bake a brownies for desert so if you are bored you can help me if you want
Me:ok sure

I was really excited to bake with Katelyn. Yeah I know I can't cook for nothing but I get to spend time with her and maybe she'll see my real self! When we got out the ingredients I was already bored so I had an idea... I poured flour all over her head

Katelyn:ugh now I have to wash it out...
I was too busy laughing my butt off to see she left and came back all cleaned up in
maybe like 10 minutes. How do women do it and make it looks so easy?

Katelyn POV

I decided to trick him and put and egg over his head for payback. I walked over to him really closely our lips probably 2 inches apart he suddenly shut up and blushed. I feel so stupid doing this but REVENGE MUST BE SERVED!!!! I go right next to his ear and whisper seductivly

Me:don't mess with me~

Before he finished I cracked the egg on his head and ran into my room and locked it


I hear him march upstairs and bang on my door.

Me:not on the hair on my chinny chin chin
Travis:oh hardy har har if you don't open this door right now I'll knock it down!
Me:but I just fixed it! Fine!

I slowly open the door and there he is with flour and he slaps my butt with it so there is a white hand mark on my black leggings. Before I can react he runs around the house yelling like a mad man so I chase him and end up pinning him to the floor with me on top and we were both out of breath

Travis:I could stay here like this all day
Me:oh shut up. APHMAU!!!!!!!!

She shoves the in his mouth so he can't talk. I got distracted so he pushed me off and ran again. For the rest of the day we just chased each other and threw baking ingredients at each other till he had to leave. Maybe he's not so bad.
YEET!!!! Sorry for not posting my family came to visit that live like 12 hours away so I spent time with them plus it was my grandfathers b-day so I also spent time with him the next one should come faster cause I know exactly what I want to write soooo
Bye my little badgers!~

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