Chapter 2:Meeting her

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Travis pov(ohhhhhh)

I live with Dante, Laurence, and Garroth still and all they ever talk about is getting Aphmau and it's getting annoying! Now I have to do chores ugh. I went outside to take out the trash and I saw a moving truck on the house across from us. Then I saw the most beautiful thing ever... It was so...big....and round..... Oh! I think she saw me looking at her butt! But when she turned around and I saw her face I couldn't move.... She came over to me and my mouth was wide open still. Darn it Travis say something you look stupid!

"Uhhh hi?" I'm at a loss for words, her beauty has me freeze up and I think to myself 'have I struck gold?' Even her voice is amazing!

"Are you ok?" Finally I get sent back to Earth

"uhhhh oh, oh! Sorry I was just thinking about something!" She nods understanding,

"Well I'm new to the neighborhood and I was wondering if you could show me around here. I moved in with Aphmau and Kawaii~Chan" Of course I said yeah it was the decision of spending time with a hot girl or doing chores! Yeah I'll be yelled at by Laurence but no one listens to him anyway.

"Ok but before I show you around, beautiful I'd like to know your name, or should I just call you 'mine'?" She looks at me in surprise like no one has ever flirted with her, which I know can't be true with her body. But nonetheless she straightens herself up.

"Please don't just call me Katelyn, Katelyn FireFist" Katelyn huh... That's a nice name!

"I still would like to call you mine but I'm Travis Valkrum, nice to meet you!"

"I wish I could say the same..." Wow rude,

"Ouch... Feisty eh? That's the way I like them" she just glares at me. I swear if looks could kill I would drop dead right now but luckily they don't so I'm fine for now. I show her around the whole area like where I live, Brendan lives, and where Aaron lives. When we near the end all I can think of is her in a bikini then Katelyn flicks my nose, but it wasn't a light flick how is she that strong?

"Ow...what was that for?!"

"You were staring off into space and you were creeping me out. Also we are back to the house so I'm leaving"

"Alright if you need me, you know where I live even though we all know that you'll be crawling back cause who wouldn't miss this body?~" I say as I point to myself. But before I know it she punched me right in the stomach making me wheeze for air.

"Damn are you like in martial arts or something?!"

"Yeah I have a black belt and my dad was an old wrestling pro" I wasn't expecting her to really be in martial arts I was just kidding.

"but aren't they fake?"

"was that punch fake?" She fires back at me making me think twice about what I said,

"ok I get the point. But one more thing... Goodbye kiss?" Bad decision... She punched me in the lip making it bleed and walks into the house saying

"bye pervert" I think she likes me... Damn she can pack a punch and she can work that butt too! When I get back home I see Laurence glaring at me for some reason.

"What?" Then I remember I didn't take out the trash sooooo I'm dead....


"Yeah 'oh' you better have a good excuse other than 'I didn't feel like it'!" Showing Katelyn around the neighborhood made me forget all about the outside chores

"Wellllllll a girl moved into the neighborhood and she asked me to show her around and-"

"Let me guess, you forgot?"

"Yeah?" He just sighs knowing I do this many times before

"Ugh.... Like always, which house did she move into?"

"She moved in with Aphmau and Kawaii~Chan, and her name is Katelyn-" Then Garrith walks in,

"Katelyn? The one with blue hair?" I turned to look at him

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"I saw her when she moved in I didn't think it was her but it was! We were best friends before I had to move! Maybe we should invite them over here. I wonder if she is still with Jeffery-" wait. Who's Jeffery?!


"Yeah her boyfriend"

And with that I stopped listening to their conversations. Aw I really thought she was cute.... I went downstairs to my bedroom and layed in my bed and thought about Katelyn. Why am I like this I just met her and I already like her? Maybe it's just cause of her looks but something about her makes me want to know more. I can see in her eyes that there is more to her than what meets the eye but I'll just sleep since its 11:00 p.m...

Little did I know that there WAS a lot more to her than I thought and it would change the rest of my life.

Two chapters in one day? WHAT!? I know I said ever day but I got bored and of course I made it longer for you guys so keep in touch cause I got a lot more coming!
Bye my little badgers!~

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