Chapter 22:own secrets

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Hey sorry it took a little bit 'something' accrued and I'd rather not talk about it but don't worry I'm fine! Fun fact:if you bang your head on the wall for an hour you lose 150 calaries!
Cool right?
Song:I like me better when I'm with you
Katelyn POV

After Travis's incident I became a little worried about him I'm not gonna lie. I'm not saying that I like him I'm just saying that I worry about him cause he's my friend. Yeah friend... Ugh! I need to control myself! I need to go to the guys house to make sure he's still ok.

After getting ready and all I went downstairs and saw in the corner of my eye KC making cookies. I tried to walk past her but she came out the kitchen and saw me... Great...

KC:where is Katelyn-Sama going?
Me:oh I was just going out
Me:um... To the park
KC:oh ok!

I didn't want to tell her where I was cause then she would fan girl and it would just be a crazy mess. Plus I don't want her to come with me I think what happened to him was personal.

I zipped past the road and opened the guys door without bothering to say hello and knocked on Travis's door. I sigh in relief when he opens the door but he looks nervous.

Travis POV

I couldn't tell Katelyn yet! She would freak out and run away and I would never see her again! So I had to keep this low.

Me:Hey! What's up?
Katelyn:are you ok?
Me:I'm fine I think I just got caught up in the moment and I'm pretty sorry about that
Katelyn:are you sure?
Me:yeah yeah! Totally!

I felt pretty bad for lying to her but I'm not sure if she's ready for my secret even though she told me her secret I just don't wanna lose the only chance I have with her I mean we have been getting really close and she hasn't been hitting me. Maybe she cares for me... Still not sure if she does care for me but that would be nice

After a little bit of talking she had to go to her work. I was tempted to go with her cause she looks amazing in that maid outfit! But I had work to do myself sadly... I got a call from my dad so I answered it.

Terri:you ready?
Me:*sigh* I guess
Terri:what's wrong son?
Me:well I like this girl and-
Terri:do you have a girlfriend?!
Me:what no!-
Terri:what is she like? Is she pretty? When do I meet her?!
Me:dad I don't have a girlfriend!!
Terri:well why didn't you say so?
Terri:did it come again?
Me:well uh yeah?
Terri:WHAT?! WHEN?!
Me:yesterday... I got carried away with something and it got too powerful for me to keep it in
Terri:hmmm... It must have been a motivation it has the same mind as you were you near anything that you like or love?
Me:*mumbles*you could say that...
Me:oh ckkkk my phone ckkkk braking up ckkkk BYE!!!

I hung up. Whew! That was a close one! But still I should keep a look out and make sure I control him. I don't want the same thing to happen again...
Wow Travis has his own hidden secrets! Do you think I know where this is heading? Cause I have NO idea! Well it's better than nothing also sorry it's a little short I have a list of chores now to do every day! Parents can be so lame sometimes... Just kidding I love them(most of them...)ANYWAY
Bye my little badgers!~

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