Chapter 36:Anonymous

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Hey guys I'm not sure how this chapter is going to go cause I was talking about this chapter being a little "spicy" but I guess I'll just go with what I write. P.S. if you can take a foreign language don't do it! Unless you are a LOT more talented then me go ahead...*sigh* btw my b-day is Friday Feb 9th! I'm soooo excited! P.S. I know that some of you have been recently messaging me but I can't respond because of difficulties so I'm sorry about that.
Song: Mad Hatter
Katelyn POV

Mmmm I feel SO much more relaxed! I haven't been able to let loose like that in awhile! I kind of feel bad that I left Travis cause he tried acting cool and I know that's just a cover that he does to prevent from showing how he really feels. I guess I can kind of relate to that cause I do that sometimes too. They asked me if I wanted to spend the night with them but I told them I already told Travis I'd be over with him because he seems really anxious right now.

Nicole dropped me off to the boys house and made sure I could get into the house. Luckily the guys are really stupid and classically hides it under the mat. I kind of wanted to surprise Travis that I was here so I slowly unlocked and opened the door. But I guess I can't surprise him because he literally just walked from behind the wall.

Travis:oh hey Katelyn! How did you get in the house...?
Me:I wanted to surprise you but you caught me
Travis:well now that you're here-

I knew what he wanted so I decided to give it to him. I kissed him before he could finish his sentence. He immediately started to kiss me back(I've decided they will NOT do anything too intense I don't want this to be a lemon cause I will be scared for life plus I don't really like it when they have kids) he backs me up into the arm of the couch and I fall into the soft couch being welcomed from the cushions then him falling on top of me. But before he could fully fall on me he put both hands on the side of the couch never braking the kiss. Things just kept going till he tried to take my shirt but before he could we heard a knock. He tried to ignore it and started to kiss my neck but I stopped him before he could continue.

Me:Travis... It might be one of the guys.

I could tell he was really annoyed and to be honest so was I. He got up to get the door and opened it to see Aphmau. I walked up to the door to greet her

Aphmau:sorry to bother you two but someone wanted to give this to you Katelyn*hands her a letter*
Me:why didn't you just call me?
Aphmau:I did. You must have been pretty busy to not hear it*winks*
Me:s-shut up Aphmau! You can leave now!
Aphmau:of course wouldn't want to stop this!*quickly leaves*

Ughhhh! I love her and all but she can be REALLY annoying... I look at the letter and what it looked like. There was a red stamp and said "To:Katelyn From:Anonymous" I wonder who...

Travis:you ok?
Me:hm? Oh yeah I just don't really know who would give me a letter also because that was so 1900s
Travis:well then open it!

Well isn't he a little curious? But I probably should open it because I'm curious as well.

Dear, Katelyn
I know you don't know me but I know you. Very well in fact. But I'm not writing to you just to reunite with you. I may not be able to tell you this in person because you won't want to talk to me anyway. You will be able to have a good life if you just let yourself. I'm sorry I was never there for you or your brothers. I hope one day you could forgive me and for what I did to you.
Love, E-

It looked like they wanted to put there name down but then erased it. I was so lost in thought that I didn't realize Travis asked me about the letter that was until he shook me.

Me:o-oh sorry...
Travis:hey you ok?
Me:it's just this weird letter
Travis:here let me read it

I hand him the letter as he scans over it. I wonder who this is... And what did they do to me that bad that they couldn't come to me in person? And what do they mean by I can have a good life if I let it...? I think I might know who it is... But I will never forgive them so this whole thing was useless anyway.
Sorry it's a little late I just procrastinated for awhile and today I just stopped and did something productive. Anyway like I said don't message me cause I can't message back.
Bye little badgers!~

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