Chapter 32:Ex problems

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So remember that book I told you about? Probably not cause no one reads this, but I will start writing it when I'm finished this. I'm pretty sure my house is haunted through cause I keep hearing weird noises. Well I just watched a scary movie but pray for me anyway and I'll get the holy water! That is if you believe is God.... No judges!
Travis POV

Now I know why Katelyn didn't want me to open the door... It was Jeffery... Without even thinking I closed the door right away just to hear the knock again. Will he ever take a hint?! Katelyn doesn't love you! I should say that to him! I open the door again

Me:Katelyn doesn't love you!
Jeffery:I don't want to talk to you! I'm here for Katelyn
Me:Jeffery leave her alone... Don't make me hit you again
Jeffery:well I care about her an-

Then Katelyn came to the front of the door and looked very serious but still intimidating.

Katelyn:oh really? You care about me? You have a very funny way of showing it you dick.
Jeffery:it's been 3 years and I regret what I did
Katelyn:so what? Am I supposed to love you again?! Like you said it's been 3 years I moved on so should you!
Katelyn:you are on someone else's property I can call the police and send your ass to jail so I suggest you leave... NOW!!!!

This is what I mean by intimidating! I admire that part of her as long as she's not doing it to me cause it's not fun at all. Jeffery finally leaves with his head down. Good he deserves it. Katelyn sighs lightly then closes the door and looks at me.

Katelyn:sorry... He just keeps coming back to me
Me:well I'm not surprised... All the guys are chasing you! Just as long as you let me be the winner!
Katelyn:you're such a dork!
Travis: a beautiful dork! Thank you very much!

She just laughed with me. Hopefully not at me.... Probably both. I leaned in to kiss her. I don't know why but it's just been awhile.

Me:seriously?! I haven't had alone time with her in awhile! Give me some space!
Garroth:sorrry... Don't get handsy though!
Me:no promises

Before he could protest I grabbed Katelyn's hand and went to my room. But something was on her mind... In order to be a good boyfriend I have to make sure she feels perfect!

Me:Katie what's wrong? Is it the tail?

Now I know there is definitely something wrong so I can't joke around. I'm such a good boyfriend! What would you rate me? 10/10 of course!

Me:I want you to be happy and by that I must start by fixing your problems so tell me what's wrong
Katelyn:.... You still love me right?
Me:of course babe! Who told you I didn't?
Katelyn:Abby for short... The one in my head
Me:why would you believe her?
Katelyn:because you haven't been around me for awhile and I felt like you were avoiding me...
Me:.... That's because I saw something that would scar me for life... When Abby was still there she gave me a vision...
Katelyn:what did she do?
Katelyn:you don't need to if it makes you uncomfortable
Me:thanks blueberry... I really missed talking to you...
Katelyn:me too
Me:oh wait I have a surprise for you! So I found the person who threw the cat potion at you!
Katelyn:really?! Who?!
Me:it was a little kid who was training as a witch but that's besides the point! I can make you human again!

Seeing her with this much joy made me forget about the image... Though that vision will haunt me forever I'll at least have the real Katelyn with me... I wonder what our kids will looks like...
A little too far there buddy! I know it was pretty boring but I just didn't know what to do for it but I know what to do with the next one. Though this was fun I have to end it soon not sure when but soon. You know what they say when one door closes one opens! Don't forget about the new book I'm going to start "Immortal love" can't wait!
Bye my little badgers!~

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