Chapter 23

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Sara’s POV

Enti tackled Jerome and immediately shot back up and ran to my side. I couldn’t help but laugh my butt off and Mitch was doing the same.

“Well I should’ve seen that coming now can someone help me?” Enti walked over with her face as red as a tomato and helped Jerome up. I also saw him blush a little bit…I think they like each other.

“S-sorry I’m just a big fan so sorry.” Jerome chuckled.

“It’s ok. Anyway what’s your name?”

“Her names Mentia or Enti for short. She’s going to pax also so I let her sit with us.” A thought then came to mind.

“Hey guys give me your tickets real quick.” They handed me there tickets, took two seats that are next to each other and gave them to Enti and Jerome. Mitch and I still had seats next to each other but you can never be sure.

“There, by the way is there a place that sells poutine in this airport?” Ever since Mitch had made me try my first poutine I became addicted.

“Sara we talked about this you are not having poutine until we get back from pax. You ate four yesterday so you aren’t having any more.” I gave him the puppy dog eyes but he shook his head, dang it.

*Forty minutes later*

I woke up to being carried over the shoulder by Mitch through the airport and I saw Enti and Jerome running next to Mitch.

“Ok so this is what a rag doll feels like.”

“Finally your awake we almost missed our plane!”

“And a simple slap, kiss or splash of water didn’t cross your mind?” I then saw Mitch, Jerome and Enti facepalm. A few minutes later we were at the terminal and Mitch hadn’t set me down yet.

“Uhh sir why are you carrying a young lady on your shoulder.”

“Hi, first he’s my boyfriend, second he couldn’t wake me up and third he’s an idiot for not trying anything else than shaking me. Now Mitch put me down!”

“Ok then enjoy your flight.” They then walked into the terminal.

“Put me down Mitch or I will hit you with a pillow.”

“But you don’t have a pillow.”

“I brought one in my backpack.” He instantly put me down and I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

“By the way I didn’t bring a pillow.”


Ok so this was a filler chapter so we will see you Fluffy Benja’s later


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