Chapter 1

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*Comes out from underneath a wrecking ball*

JASMINE COME BACK HERE!!! ugh she frustrates me sometimes -.-

now here is chapter 1 of Bullied by my crush and we will try to have a song for each chapter today's song is mean by Taylor swift the video should be on the side :D now if you will excuse me I have to go chase Jasmine down with this wrecking ball -.-

*Climbs on wrecking ball and starts playing wrecking ball while riding away on top of wrecking ball* REVENGE!!!!


Sara's POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I groaned, forced my self out of bed and put on my thick glasses. My name is Sara Gregg and I'm a eighteen year old girl, I'm bullied at my school because of my glasses, intelligence and well because people don't like me. I don't think I'm ugly because I can see how beautiful I am just by looking into the mirror. Anyway back to the story.

I shuffled across my bed room floor to my closet and threw on a blouse, a pair of skinny jeans and converse, I also put my hair in a pony tail and put on some eye shadow. When I finished getting ready I got my backpack and went downstairs. When I got down stairs I was met with the smell of alchohol. Typical my foster parents are probably drunk again, thats when they treat me like trash but when there sober there nice, it's like Dr.Jekle and Mr.Hyde but with alchohol.

"Hey bitch when are you going to leave our house?" My foster dad, Ron, slured as he took another swig of his whiskey.

"When I graduate. Now if you will excuse me I have to go get a education." I ran out the door before the bottle he threw at me hit. I started walking to school and I pulled out my phone to watch some minecraft videos while I do my normal route. I opened the youtube app after my headphones were plugged in and saw that Bajancanadian has uploaded a few new videos.

"Yes! New hungergames!" I tapped on the video and began watching. His voice is just so calming and he always cheers me up when I am feeling low. His voice sounds similar to my crushes though.

When I got to school the video had ended and I put my phone in my bag. I then saw my regular bullies. Kaitlen, Mary, Jerome and my crush...Mitch. They noticed me as I walked past them and gave me the normal insults like bitch, slut, whore, nerd ect. But it doesn't bother me. Yeah I don't act like a bullying victim do I, thats because I know what's inside but when Mitch calls me those names it affects me in a way and I don't know why.

"Hey bitch you have our homework?!" Mitch yelled. His voice I just so hypnotising. I sighed and looked through my bag. I pulled out the papers and held them up for them to see. Mitch was about to grab them but I pulled them away.

"Nope I have something else planned." I then ripped the papers apart and threw them in the trash."Have fun looking threw the trash douch bag." I laughed as I saw him fume with anger.

He raised his hand to slap me and when he brought his hand down I ducked, it had enough power that he spun around and fell head first into the trash can. I giggled and ran to my chemistry class.

I then remembered that I shared that class with Mitch.

Bullied by my crush (Bajancanadian fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now