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Michael:Jasmine, drum-roll please

Jasmine:Gladly *starts hitting Michael on the head with drum sticks*

Michael: OW!! Stop it! *Picks up Jasmine and throws her into a pool* There,now presenting our new bajancanadian fanfic...Bullied by my crush! :D

It is a Bajancanadian fanfic and it is replacing Her cousins best friend because wattpad deleted it -.-

Now the fir-wait why is wrecking ball playing .-.

Jasmine: *comes in on a wrecking ball and crashes into Michael* REVENGE!! Wait...Michael? Where did you go .-.

Michael: *muffled screams of anger from under wrecking ball*

Jasmine: oh O.O THE FIRST CHAPTER WILL BE UP LATER BYE!!!!!! *runs away with MIchael screaming for her to  come back*

Bullied by my crush (Bajancanadian fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now