kiss me

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I'm currently at the club I work at trying to get this guy to leave me the hell alone. This is his third time asking for my number and he's not taking no for an answer! I mean he's cute brown hair and brown eyes, probably around 17, or 18 but he oozes confidence like a popped pimple! I hate when a guy is cocky and thinks he can have any girl he wants for me that's a turnoff...

"Come on sweet face you'll regret not giving me your number." He says pointing himself. His nails are neatly filed and polished with clear nail polish. The "F boy alarm is going off in my head." Smiling I say "what I do regret is wasting time rejecting you when I can be over there washing those tables." To include washing the tables was unnecessary but I am supposed to be washing them, I could've gotten done earlier but I got here about 30 minutes late.

Why did I not get fired yet? Oh yea because my mom's screwing my boss that's why. I still get nightmares from when I walked in on them in the kitchen..

It was a traumatic experience, I still get nightmares about seeing the heart tattoo on my manager's butt.

I still haven't forgave my mother.

Anyways where was I? Oh yea this Justin Bieber wannabe won't leave me the hell alone! "If you were with me you wouldn't have to be cleaning tables." He winks seductively and gives me a smile that would've made another girl's heart melt. I only laughed. Yea it's not working bro, nice try though. Now for the last time what would you like to drink?" I'm surprised and proud at myself that my voice sounded professional.

"A whiskey please and for a snack I would have you baby." He smirks as I scoff. "A snack? If anything I'm a meal. He smiled and began to reply but was interrupted by a pretty blonde kissing his cheek and taking a seat next to him. "Hey babe I missed you so much." Her voice was sweet and innocent like a baby's. She wore a red dress that wasn't too revealing but, did show off her small curves. Her face was beautiful, with blue eyes, thin nose and full lips. A sad feeling makes it's way into my heart. She reminds me so much of my sister.

She looks at this guy like she's the Sun, Moon, and a rainbow wrapped up in one. She's obviously young and naive. This guy is probably using her. I have to warn her.

"Babe you look great I can't wait to get you in my bed. I want your first time to be Wild!" He told her in a seductive voice.

Oh hell no! Not on my watch!

"Umm hi" I say particularly to the girl. "Hey" she says confused "I'm not old enough to drink but I'll have some water and some Graham crackers." Why do I have the urge to say 'awww' she's too cute, too innocent, especially for a F boy like that Justin Bieber wannabe that's currently gripping her thigh. He is not taking her virginity I have to stop him!

"Ok but I wanted to let you know that this guy was just flirting with me. He was begging for my number, yep you should leave him right now." I told her.

Her eyes began to water. "Really Dustin you asked for her number?

Dustin! His name is Dustin. Close to Justin mmmmhhhmmm....

He snorted and proceeded to lie. "Of course not I wouldn't flirt with some waitress. Don't you have some tables to clean?"

"This is more important". I say like we're having a civil conversation. I look at Barbie in her crystal blue eyes "Listen sweetheart. He's using for sex you don't deserve that. He doesn't love you, leave him and find someone that does. "Her lips begin to quiver as she stands up abruptly. "Is that true Dustin?"

He laughs nervously, "of course not babe, don't believe this whore, I mean she was just begging me to have sex with her after her shift is over." He lies so effortlessly it astounds me.

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