the conversation

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A warm hand covered my mouth, smothering my scream so it sounded muffled. I was trapped in the killer's arms. Panicking I lifted my leg and aimed for it's crotch. Sadly, I missed and hit his knee. But, I was satisfied when he let out a hiss.

"Sierra chill out it's me. It's Moon" I heard. I broke out of his grip and turned to face him. "What the hell is wrong with you! Is this what Military School taught you? To grab people when it's pitch dark outside?"

He rolled his eyes. "Calm down you're not even supposed to be outside this late."

My blood began to boil. "You are not my father! You almost gave me a heart attack, and why are you even out here! Did you follow me?"

"Your mom told me to find you. "

I blinked. "Leave me alone. "

"So what do you want me to say to your mom?" He asked shaking his head in disappointment. "Just leave me alone!"

I walk towards the swings and take a seat. I notice how Moon hesitates to sit down beside me but finally does. "Just go home"

I rolled my eyes ignoring him. Looking up I noticed that there were so many stars in the sky. It's crazy that the most beautiful things in the sky are only shown off at night. I bet they're sad.

"Sierra your mom's going to kill you". He said standing up in front of me. I didn't look at him. I kept looking at the stars. The sad stars.

"Did you drink something tonight?" He asked. "You're acting weird" I continued to ignore him. And no the only thing I had was eggnog even though I hate it.

"It's sad how much you've changed Sierra it really is"

I clench my jaw to hold back the curse words that so badly want to escape my mouth.

"It's sad how much I've changed? Look at you Xavier you're another person. And I bet a million dollars that the people at the Military School corrupted you!"

He chuckles darkly " No they made me grow up. They made me realize that me and you were irrelevant so just face it things would change between us anyway."

I lick my lips. "Maybe you're right, but why are you acting like it's my fault we became best friends. Why do you hate our friendship so much?"

He opens his mouth to reply and then closes it again. "Look Sierra he finally says. What happened last night can't happen again."

I swallowed the lump in my throat. "Yea you're right , let's forget we were friends in the first place." I say standing up. Let's just forget we even met I'm sure that'll be doing you a big favor."

I looked at him with a hatred that's been stirring in my heart for some time now. Nevertheless he kept his face blank of emotion. His blue eyes empty and stupid.

I walk off quickly before I say something I can't take back probably something stupid like. "Moon I love you and I don't wanna lose you"

Nope. I won't give in. He's said all I needed to hear. No I'm not happy with it but I'm strong I've survived four years without him and I can do it again. Longer this time. Much longer.

I'm tired of his mind games. He's been playing since he's been back. First he hates me then he loves me, it's a never ending cycle that I'm putting an end to tonight.

Those jerks he met at military school were probably just jealous of our relationship I meam friendship they've never experienced that kind of love before. So they fed him lies and brainwashed him . Lies he was stupid enough to believe.

The Boy Who Used To Be My Best Friend Where stories live. Discover now