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     After Moon left I took it upon myself to take  a hot shower and within that shower I had a conversation with Lucky.

  Well I practiced the conversation I was going to hand with him.

It wasn't easy to say hey Lucky did you know the day that my best friend came back we made out in my room? Yep!! Oh and guess what? I'm still very much in love with him but we cool right?

In reality I knew it wouldn't be that easy. He'd probably lash out and break up with me on the spot.

I'm a horrible disgusting person. I have a boyfriend who cares and loves about me so much but, I kissed someone else who's also in a relationship.

I slap myself.

It hurt.

After I step out of the shower. I quickly dry myself and put on a fresh bra and panties and then a silky blue nightgown.

  I'm ashamed to say that my whole body is still in shock from that kiss. A good kind of shock.  Like you've witnessed a miracle that you wouldn't even dream happening. My mind replays it over and over and my heart thumped excitedly because of it.

To make it worse I have a freaking smile on my face. I shouldn't be smiling when I just cheated on my boyfriend!

The pure satisfaction from the kiss overrides the guilt which worries me. It makes me question the love I have for Lucky.  Yes I love Lucky but, is it enough. Well, I guess the answer is the mindblowing make out session I just had with my ex bff.

But, I can't tell him that I don't love him as much as I love Moon. So I'm not going to tell him about the kiss.

Problem solved?

I know I'm pathetic and being pathetic sure does wear a girl out. I turn off my phone certain that I wasn't ready to talk to my boyfriend and  flop on my bed. Snuggling under the covers I still feel Xavier's fingers touching my skin. His warm breath. His muscles. His perfectness.

I beam with joy because the guy that I grew up with is finally home. And a bad part of me is happy that he cheated on his girlfriend.

The rational side of me is mad at myself for doing such a thing.

               !!!MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

*  begins to sing this Christmas at the top my lungs*

I know this chapter is short but, I wanted to update.

It's like a Christmas gift for you guys.  *laughs awkwardly*

Well anyways.... thank you guys for reading this story

I'm close to 500 reads and I didn't even think I'd get 1. LOL

I'm a big Marissa Meyers fan and the Lunar chronicles was so good I'm sad I finished it so early.

If you haven't read it you should!

I'm currently reading her new book called RENEGADES. I don't know how I feel about it yet but, Imma keep reading!

And I'm looking forward to the new show Grownish premiering in January!!

I'm gonna start watching stranger things it looks so good!

I hope everyone is having a great Christmas and I love y'all so so so much.

Sorry for being so random I'm really sick and I'm typing everything coming to my head.

I have a horrible sinus headache and it hurts when I yawn.

Pray for me!!


Don't worry next chapter will be longer.

Happy Holidays!

The Boy Who Used To Be My Best Friend Where stories live. Discover now