A warm welcome

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        I couldn't sleep. I tried everything. I threw my comforter off of the bed and tried to sleep on top of the sheets. But, I got super cold so I put the comforter back on the bed but, then I got hot. So I got off my bed entirely and tried to sleep on the floor. And of course that didn't help so, I went to the kitchen and poured myself a glass of milk and set in the microwave for 20 seconds.

Whoever said that warm milk helps you fall asleep lied.

So I sat on the couch and just cried. I'm such a crybaby..

But, I cried because of how much I  was overwhelmed. I was feeling happy, sad and angry all at once. Xavier was finally coming home but, him having a girlfriend made me feel so..so...

Sad and maybe a little jealous.

I mean can you blame me? The worst thing about it is that we already hate each other. Would he be mad to hear about our fight. Would he take her side. Well of course, it is his girlfriend.

This isn't fair to Lucky. He's such a good boyfriend and I'm stuck on Xavier like white on rice. I'm such a bad girlfriend. At that though I sent Lucky a text telling him how much he means to me for good measure. Even if it is three in the morning.

I decided to make myself useful and clean up the kitchen, the living room, and the rest of the house. I vacuumed my room and straightened out my walk in closet. Cleaning honestly helped ease my mind. After I was done I layed down and eventually sleep found me.


I woke up at 6:00. Today was the day he was returning.  New Years break started this week so we didn't have school today. I ran to the bathroom and took a 20 minute shower. After that I brushed my teeth. Then it was time for me to find something to wear.

I had to look beautiful today.

For my boyfriend of course...

If my closet was alive it probably would have called the cops on me for assault. It looked like a tornado happened in my room. With clothes scattered all over the floor.

   I was getting so frustrated and I was getting cold because I was still in my pink robe. My mom walked through the door and gave me an annoyed look. " honey I'm glad you cleaned the house last night but that doesn't mean you get to abuse your closet".

I tried to keep my voice calm. "Mom please not right now Moon's coming back today and I have to look good."

Me and my mom talked about everything whether it was good or bad impersonal or informal. She knew about the crush I had on him. She knew everything. We were really close. With her being a single mother she and I are best friends.

"This is why I ordered you an outfit from fashion nova." I ran to my mom and threw my arms around her almost knocking her off balance.

"Mom OMG thank you! What did I do to deserve you" I kissed her on her cheek over and over again. She giggled. "I should be asking you the same" my heart swelled up with so much love. "I love you so much mom what would I do without you" I smiled . She smiled at me "I have no idea. I'm gonna go get the outfit. In the meantime do something to that mess you call hair" she joked before leaving.

My mother ladies and gentleman..

I flat ironed my violet hair bone straight and parted it in a straight middle part.

    For my makeup I put on foundation that matches my tanned skin tone on my face and concealer  under my eyes and my nose. After I blended it I put on a nude pink eyeshadow and some mascara making my eyelashes appear longer. I didn't put on any eyeliner because I simply didn't feel like it. I put highlighter on my cheeks nose and ears. After I finished I put on   a matching pink matte lipstick.

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