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  Gage gave me a friendly smile. " hey the last time I saw you my sister was beating you up" he chucked. I noticed  how Moon tensed and ended his makeout session I certainly don't know why..

I rolled my eyes. "Come on in" I said with the fakest smile I could muster. I walked off before any of them could reply, Jade was sitting on the couch texting away on her phone. I grabbed her by the arm and dragged her all the way to my room.

Once we were inside Jade gave me a look. "You can at least by me dinner first". I plopped down on my bed ignoring her joke.

She rolled her eyes. "Do not let him put you in a bad mood it's Christmas.  Me and Lucky are here, just ignore white trash"

I let out a bitter laugh. "Jade I'm a sick person."

She sat next to me, her perfect eyebrows furrowed. "What are you talking about?"

I swallowed and took a deep breath. " "I cheated on Lucky" I whispered loud enough for her to hear and then I fell face first on her lap and let out a sob.

She began to pat my back in an awkward manner . "Whoa back up. You cheated on Mr.Perfect?"

I sat up and glared at her. "Yes and now I don't know what to do"

Something flashed in her eyes, a hopeful gleam. But, it was gone so fast I'm positive I imagined it.

"Did you have sex with him?" She questioned. I sighed "no, we just kissed."

She snorted " girl that's like the level one of cheating. If you tell him he'll be mad but, it's not gonna end your relationship"

I felt a little better, but I still don't know how his reaction will be. I certainly don't want to find out. I took a deep breath. Thank you Jade for not judging me. "

She waved me off "what are best friends for?" I hugged her tight in response. "So" she said after our hug. "How was the kiss?" She smirked.

I blushed. "Well umm he kissed me with his tongue. "

"Oooh spicy" Jade said smiling.

I let out a giggle. "Kissing him is like getting trapped in this dream you know? It doesn't feel like reality and the way he kissed me made me feel I was the only girl in the world"

She squealed.  "Oh my God I need to be kissed like that!"

"You will be. Look at you Jade any guy would be extremely lucky to have you. You're perfect"

She flipped her hair. "Well thanks, but I'm not into relationships"

I sighed. "They're the worst" she nodded her head in agreement. "Do you think I rushed into my relationship with Lucky"

She looked at me for a moment. "You know the answer to that. Think about it, the minute Xavier returned y'all ended up making out. Maybe you like Lucky but, not as much as Xavier. 

I sighed in frustration.  "I need a drink"

"You should stop leading him on. Lucky doesn't deserve that" Jade said. 

I looked at her and saw that her expression was serious. Swallowing my question on why she suddenly cared for him I said. " I want things to work between me and Lucky". She rolled her eyes.

"Then stop kissing Xavier behind his back!" She yelled.

Whoa. Where did that come from?

"I know what to do okay? I just need time-"

"Well time's running out" she said angrily before walking out my room and slamming the door.

She pays no bills in this house to be slamming doors, and what the hell was that about?

Now I feel worse. And I didn't even want to talk to Lucky anymore. All I wanted to do was sleep. But, I couldn't do that because of the  party going on downstairs. The most awkward party ever.

Jade came back to my room 10 minutes after her outburst.

"I'm sorry. I was cheated on before and the feeling isn't fun. I shouldn't have yelled"

"She sat next to me. "It's okay" what I did was so wrong and I'm gonna tell Lucky "

"Good girl. Now come to the party its super lame without you."

I shuddered. " let's go"

The Boy Who Used To Be My Best Friend Where stories live. Discover now