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  the works of this book are figments of my imagination. The events that take place are not real and are purely made up for your entertainment. DO NOT PLAGIARIZE MY STORY!

I decided to rewrite what I have so far this  will help me be more excited about writing it and more motivated,  and by rewriting I may change a few things but the plot will stay the same.

I'm even changing some cast members as well.

Sierra the main character's nickname is no longer Sun it is now Star. 

I like Star much better.

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Happy Reading!


Sierra was distressed.
She had a horrible day at daycare. As if being six wasn't hard enough. Two girls named Jessica and Kristy loved to talk about her missing teeth. She cried into her pillow. Her tears soaking it her cries muffled.

She was so busy crying she didn't even hear her bay window being tapped on. The tapping grew louder causing Sierra to look in it's direction . Outside of it stood a boy.

   Sierra didn't think he was real. To her he looked like an angel. He had caramel skin and big curly hair. Sierra wanted to touch it. No longer crying she ran over to the window and opened it with no hesitation.

The Boy smiled at her. This made Sierra happy so she smiled along with him. She looked into the boys eyes. They were blue and gold. The gold was definitely overpowering the Blue. Sierra thought he was beautiful.

         "Why are you crying girl?" he questioned. While he brushed a shed tear  with his thumb from under her eye. Sierra blushed as she fiddled with her the pink strings on her pink dress. " I'm not crying" she lied.

The Boy sucked his teeth. " yes you are tell me why" Sierra blushed harder, she was truly embarrassed at the moment. A beautiful caramel skinned boy just showed up at her window and now he's asking her why she's crying. Even though she didn't exactly know him. She felt safe around him. So she told him.

"There are two girls at my daycare that makes fun of my missing teeth." She says shamefully as she wipes her runny nose. He frowned. "What daycare do you go to?" She looked into his hypnotic eyes. They were serious. "I go to Mohandas daycare across from the park"

   Sierra didn't know why she gave the boy the directions to the daycare but, she didn't care. Neither did he. The Boy grinned" well I'll be attending that daycare starting tomorrow and if they mess with you I'll make them regret it."

Sierra was flabbergasted she dropped her jaw in shock. The Boy laughed finding her face amusing and adorable all at once. Her golden eyes intrigued him. They made him happy. "You want to be my friend?" Sierra asked. She was excited and hopeful.

"No" the boy replied. Sierra's
face fell. She immediately began to cry. Not being this boys friend made her one hundred times devastated than she already was. The Boy grinned as he lifted her bowed head with his hand. She was now looking the boy in his eyes. She could get lost in them.

The Boy Who Used To Be My Best Friend Where stories live. Discover now