When you miss someone

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       Lucky was still giving me an inquisitive gaze, with his eyes holding a sad emotion in them. I don't want to tell him that I broke it. So I stretch the truth only a little.

"I don't want to wear it and get it lost" I try to convince him with a reassuring smile.

I ignore jade's scoff indicating she knows I'm lying. Lucky on the other hand believes me. I notice the relief in his eyes. "Oh ok well that makes sense" he says giving me a small kiss on my temple before taking a seat right next to me.

Jade shakes her head at us. "Well I'm not finna be a third wheel. Peace." She holds up two of her middle fingers and give us a sweet smile before she exits the restaurant.

I chuckle while Lucky rolls his eyes. "You need to find her a man babe"

I hit his arm, "Jade is independent she doesn't need a man". He chuckles " "that's not it she just scares off every guy she meets".

I gasp "that's my best friend you're talking about"

"You're best friend is Satan's spwan"

He laughed as I hit his arm harder. "You know what I'm gonna schedule you two a bonding movie night."

His eyes goes wide." We're gonna end up killing each other"

"No you'll end up being friends. Surprisingly you too have a lot in common"

Lucky scowls" well if it makes you happy" . I squeal and wrap my arms around him"

"Thanks babe you're the best"


My senior year started off weird. When me and Jade walked into the school and through the hallways everyone made a path for us.

"They are so pretty!"

"I wonder wear they got their shoes from?" 

"I want to be their friend"

"I love them!"

It was overwhelming to say the least and I noticed the death glares Kristy and Jessica gave me when I went to my locker.

Jade waved at them.

I bursted out laughing. "Why is everyone asking us questions?" I ask her once I sober up. "We're popular" she replied simply. "Word got around that I get into any club I want and you are dating a stripper! How are we not popular" she says closing her locker.

"Popular" I tasted the word on my tongue. I furrowed my eyebrows together. "I haven't been popular before." "Well now you are" she says linking our arms together. We walked into the bathroom.  Jade went to relieve her bladder while I looked into the body mirror on the wall.

My violet hair was bone straight split down the middle stopping at the middle of my back. I had on makeup but, not too much. Jade was tired of doing my makeup for me so she taught me. I always did the same routine; foundation,concealer, a little eye shadow and eyeliner along with 2 coats of mascara and then setting spray.  My outfit consisted of a white and black sweater crop top over a black tank top so my belly button wouldn't show and I wore white high waist pants and black sandals.

I was satisfied with my look. I felt   pretty. But, I still couldn't get over the fact that I was considered popular!

Yea I'm dating a stripper but, popularity that was a strong word I wasn't quite ready for.

The stereotype of popularity was often negative. Kristy and Jessica were popular but they put others down to feel better about themselves.

The Boy Who Used To Be My Best Friend Where stories live. Discover now