Stupid feelings

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Happy New Year!


     I'm not going to lie. Xavier was really hot! But, his attitude was a big turn off. I get that Sierra loves him with her whole heart and everything but, she has a boyfriend and Xavier has a girlfriend.

Maybe I'm a little jealous because she has two hot guys  and I couldn't get a boyfriend to save my life.

I get a text from my manager to come into work. Then another one. I'm tempted to tell him about himself!

Come on dude I just started working there it's not like I'm the world's best waitress. I know he saw me spill drinks on like five customers yesterday!

Still in Xavier's house I finish my burger and  lemonade and make my way out of the kitchen. I wondered if his girlfriend was still here?

Oh.. speak of the devil.

She was on the couch typing furiously on her phone, I hope she breaks her thumbs.

She looked up at me and smirked evilly. "Like what you see?"

I snort " hell no"

She just purses her lips. "Where is my man?" Does she really expect me to tell her where her boyfriend is. This girl is crazy.

"Did you hear me stupid? Are you deaf or something!Where is my boyfriend he's not answering his phone" she snarls tapping her phone with her index finger frantically.

Poor phone...

Deciding  to ignore her I head on out of the door, but I do recall her calling me stupid and I don't take to kindly to my intelligence being mocked. After all I have a 4.0.

Smirking I open the door and walk out but I leave it cracked so she could hear me. "Hey Xavier" I say to no one in particular. I chuckle as I hear her boots scuffle all the way to where I'm currently standing. Unfortunately for her but, fortunately for me she doesn't watch where her 5 inch heels are going and she takes a tumble  down the porch.

In the porch' s defense there's only two steps at the bottom so it's basically her fault here..

She falls face first,catching  herself with her hands, there would be scrapes on her hands but other than that she's fine.

Stupidly, she lets out a childish sob"why would you do that! You made me believe he was out here so I could fall!"

Swallowing my chuckle I shrug " I just fooled you. My friend karma made you fall"

She looks around like someone is else is standing here. "Where is she then I'm gonna beat her down!"

It's time to go if I stay longer I'm sure I would lose some brain cells.

Turning on my heel I walk to my beautiful car.

"Hey slut get back over here and help me"

I chuckle this delusional hoe..


I make it to the club in approximately 30 minutes. Okay 40 I had to get some chick-fil-a.

Didn't you just eat at the welcome home party? My stupid conscious asks me.

I roll my eyes I wasn't full!

You got a point there.

   I enter the club and clock in momentarily. I go to the bathroom to change. Our uniform was kinda my style. We wore a long sleeved white blouse.  Along with a tiny black skirt and fishnet tights, and comfy black flats, because who's trying to fall and break their neck by trying to be cute  wearing 6 inch heels at work?

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