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I was out of school for about a week after Moon left. I didn't feel like going, and my mom would have had to drag me screaming and kicking if she made me. Luckily, she didn't. She'd check on me from time to time and bring food up to my room but, everything I ate left a bad aftertaste  in my mouth.

    Everywhere I looked I saw moon. I looked at my bathroom and all I saw was memories of Moon brushing  his teeth with the toothbrush he left over here for himself. Or when I looked at my vanity. There was a lipstick drawing of a Star and moon. He did  that the day we met. After we ate the cookies my mom made us.

     I hated my bed with a passion.

It smelled like him. Everything smelled like him. It was torture. Sometimes I would imagine him laying  beside me in my bed. He would  appear in my dreams. He was haunting me.

     I couldn't take it. It was gonna drive me crazy. His memory was like poison. That good kind of poison. The poison that kills you and makes you feel alive at the same time.

I decided to redecorate my room..

I got new curtains, they were purple and white. I got a matching bed set and the comforter was a darker purple. I also painted my walls over so  The light baby blue walls I once had were now a dark purple.

My bathroom also had a purple seat cover. Along with a rug and shower Curtain. I scrubbed my vanity clean of the lipstick drawing he did and  sprayed my room with a cinnamon air freshener. 

Everything was purple now, and I didn't smell like my best friend  anymore.

The memories of him were still here but, now they were buried under the purple room.

    I finally returned to school the next week.  I wore Moon's hoodie because I didn't feel like taking it off, along with sweatpants. I'm sure everyone heard the news about his leaving.

  Everyone was giving me sympathetic glances in my classes. I didn't let it fool me because  I know they were only sad because of how hot my best friend was.

   Entering the gym locker room I quickly changed in some shorts. Being lazy I left on my hoodie. It's sad that I haven't taken it off yet.

   "You look so sad" Jessica Rivers told me as I sat down on the bleacher. "Yeah, you look like a bum" her side kick Kristy Baker said with a giggle. I took a deep breath and put my earphones in my ear and turned my music all the way up. I was currently listening to sweater weather by the neighbourhood.

     I let the beat to the song relax me and I closed my eyes as the song gave me a  certain peace. Then my peace was ripped away when I felt my earphones being snatched out of my ears.

I lost it.

I felt like the hulk possesed me as I  slapped Kristy in her pretty face. The sound echoes  through the room satisfying my soul. Kristy must have been in shock because Jessica decided to react. In a split second she had me by my hair and hit me in my face repeatedly.  The adrenaline in my veins didn't allow me to feel the blows but, I knew I was gonna have painful bruises. I kneed Jessica in her stomach distracting her. Then I tackled her to the shiny gym floor. Good thing we weren't on top of the bleachers, we were luckily on the very last step of the bleachers.

   I punched Jessica in her face, hurting my knuckles in the process. I felt my back being kicked harshly and I cried out in pain. Kristy  grabbed my hair and threw me off Jessica  onto the floor.
     They both jumped on me kicking me and punching me in my face, I kicked Jessica in her stomach and  while she stumbled back I stood up and did a perfect uppercut to Kristy's jaw. She fell right on top of Jessica.

As if on cue, the school's security officers and coach Baxter ran over  and grabbed all of us like we were criminals and I was the one handcuffed and then they dragged us to the office.

I had a wide smile on my face the whole time.

The Boy Who Used To Be My Best Friend Where stories live. Discover now