A makeover.

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^ Sierra.^

Happy reading...

Sierra's POV
* one year later*

    Tomorrow was my 16th birthday, and all I wanted was to sleep. Mom insisted on throwing a party but I begged her not to. I was turning 16 not 6. Last year was brutal. I turned 15 without my Moon here to tell me happy birthday or to spend it with me. That whole day I spent cooped up in my room listening to 'I can't help falling in love with you by Elvis Presley'

   The song made me even  more depressed than I already was but, I made myself listen to it. Everytime I replayed it my sobs would increase. But, the song reminded  me of him. So I tortured myself with it crying until I passed out, and I would wake up with a numb feeling. Nonetheless I practiced  Putting on a fake smile for my mom, she noticed how depressed I was but I told her that I was ok. Of course she was unconvinced but, she knows I'm trying.

  Jade helped a lot. Sometimes she helped me forget the pain and loss, that lived in my heart. By making me laugh and spending time with her. But, then she'd leave and the feelings would return and the depression ate me alive.

I didn't want a birthday party. I wanted a change.

So, I called Jade I asked her for a makeover. Maybe I was going through an identity crisis. Maybe I needed this. She came with a whole bunch of outfits, makeup, jewelry and other things. I was scared but mostly excited.

    "I want to die my hair violet" I tell her.

She gives me a cautious look. Her brown eyes wide in shock and amusement. She runs her tongue over her front teeth. Something she'd do when she's thinking hard about something.

"It may be cute" she says with approval in her eyes. A grin shaping her lips.

An hour later, I turned to look at the mirror. The person looking at me was not Sierra. I had wavy violet hair running down my back. For makeup she did a  smokey eye   look that made my golden eyes pop and finished with shiny lip gloss. I wore a tight white dress accentuating my curves along with silver heels. The silver choker and hoop earrings  I wore made me feel beautiful l.

    I felt confident for once in my life.

Jade squealed at my reflection " I'm a genius. You look hot babe" I smirk. "I do don't I?" She nods before taking out her iPhone. "We need to take selfies!" About one hundred selfies later we were on the way to some club called Toxic.

    Jade got me a fake ID for my birthday. I was now Mary Reynolds and 19 years old. The picture she used was a random one that I took in her phone for fun one day I frown looking at it I hope I don't get caught.

   "You won't get caught". Jade reassured me as if she was reading my thoughts. "I come to this club all the time. I'm a regular here" I swallow my fear and gave her a big smile.  "Thank You Jade for doing this, I know I'm gonna have a great time."

She nods a small smile on her red lips her eyes on the road. "Yes you are but no talking to strangers or accepting drinks from them."

" I know that" I reply, "but I do want to drink just to see how it feels." She raises her eyebrows at me skeptically.  "Are you sure?" She questions.

"I've never been more sure in my life." I reply.

"Okay but I will not let you get drunk! I don't need to be murdered by your mom" I let out an easy giggle.  "Noted"

We finally pull up to the club. Jade leads the way with a super model strut. Not to mention she looks amazing in her strapless black leather dress and matching  red bottom boots that reaches above her kneecaps.

"Hey Danny I got my friend with me today it's her birthday." The guy Danny gives me a smirk and rakes his eyes up and down my body. When he's done he gives a look of approval and lust. I hold back a grimace. I hand him my ID he accepts and purposely brushes his finger against mine. I want to gag but I don't.

"Come on in sexy" he winks at me and licks his lips. I swallow the bile that rose in my throat and strained a polite smile. Once we were inside I let out the deep breath I was holding in.

I look around the club pass the sea of dancing bodies. It had strippers at gold poles with men throwing their money at them energetically . Their was a huge dance floor glowing with bright lights. The music was so loud I could feel the bass vibrating through my chest. The energy was contagious and I found myself smiling.

       "I take it you like what you see." Jade said with a knowing grin. I nod" I wanna dance come on" I take her hand and guide us to the dance        floor. I took take hip-hop and contemporary  dance classes when I  was younger so dancing wouldn't be a problem for me.

Me and Jade laughed uncontrollably as we danced.  I didn't even care if I was on beat. I just wanted to have fun . I moved my hips with purpose making sure I wasn't too stiff.  My heels made my legs look long but my feet were starting to hurt. So I took them off and threw them to an empty corner of the club. Then I started to dance like it was my last day alive.

  The song body party by Ciara came on and I was in the zone. I got lost in the music when I started to move my hips and gyrate rhythmically to the music. As I twerked and rolled my body I made sure that I wasn't too stiff. As I danced I felt free and alive.  Dancing was an escape from my lonely world I felt so alive I felt so confident. When the song was over a crazy loud applause filled the club. I found myself smiling and taking a bow.

"I don't know who that girl is with the purple hair but she sure can get down THAT was sexy!" The DJ of the club said suddenly. I blushed as an applause filled the club louder than the first one. Jade ran over to the DJ and whispered something in his ear. I furrowed my eyebrows as a smile took over the DJ's face.

"And it's her birthday! You know what that means!" The crowd started to cheer wildly. I dropped my jaw and glared at my best friend. She only winked at me. The crowd  I was surrounded by suddenly began to back away from me like I had Ebola. Then they began to chant. Lucky all over again. Who is Lucky and why is everyone chanting his name?

I looked to Jade for some guidance but she was only laughing and clutching her stomach. I'm sure it's not that funny...

  Rolling my eyes I begin to walk off the dance floor. Suddenly I was pulled back by a strong arm.  I look up to see who grabbed me and gasped. This guy was hot! He had black hair and nice brown eyes with small but full lips and beautiful tanned skin.

What threw me off guard was his appearance he only wore a Speedo. And that's it. I force myself not to look at his oily abs but my eyes have a mind of their own at the moment. He grins at me before biting his lip. "Hey violet ready for your lap dance?" I dropped my jaw.


I am most definitely not ready for a lap dance.

That was pretty fun to write!
She meets the male stripper lucky in this chapter.

Do y'all ship them

Or are y'all still shipping her and Xavier.

Give me feedback. Feedback I say!

Thanks for the love!

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