take my heart

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After I got home I decided to call Chandler. I had to ask him why he helped me and why he looked so wore out.


"Hello." He answered after three rings.

"Hey Chandler..."

"Hi Katie!" He sounded a little excited and disgusted at the same time.

"I was just wondering if you could come over. I have to ask you something."

"Yeah sure..uhhh..ill be over in a few minutes" he said sounding flustered like he was trying to find something.

"Ok, bye." I hung up.

I laid back on my bed staring at the ceiling. I never realized how fast your life could go. I came so close to dying and if it wasn't for Chandler, my mom would be setting up funeral arrangements for me right now.

He saved my life.

I swear he looked like he hasn't slept for days. I've been sleeping fine since my birthday.

With in five minutes he was here but dressed a bit better than he was earlier. Instead of old baggy clothes, he was wearing a black v-neck with a blue plaid shirt and a pair of blue jeans. He still looked tired as hell but he now also looked nervous. Why would he be nervous?

"Hey Katie" he hesitantly said.

"Hey. Take a seat" I said pointing towards the foot of my bed.

I just thought of something, my mom must be home because I didn't let him in.

We sat in silence for a few minutes until Chandler spoke.

"Sooo you wanted to ask me a question."

"Ahh yeah umm I just wanted to ask you why you helped me."

"I.... uhhh.... I I"

"Candler, why?"


I wish this boy would stop mumbling so much.


"Ugh, Katie, I still love you okay. I still love you. That girl at the fair jumped on me and I would swear she was a wrestler or something because I couldn't push her off. I haven't slept since that day. I've hardly been eating and I can't think strait. I need you Katie. I need you."

Oh my god. Did he say he needs me? He also said he loved me.

Well the truth is.... I love him too, I need him just as much as he needs me.

By this time, I was crying...a lot.

He was also crying. I hatted seeing tears falling out of his tired blue eyes.

I ran into his arms which happily opened for me. He wrapped his arms around my body, pulling me close. He kissed the top of my head. I cried harder in his shoulder.

I know I know. I'm crying a lot for the situation but I missed his warm hugs and soft kisses. I missed them so much.

"Don't cry, I'm hear now" chandler softly whispered in my ear.

"I'm sorry I just really missed you." I wiped my eyes and backed out of the hug to try and look strong.

"listen beautiful, you will never ever have to miss me again because this will never happen again. I love you way to much to lose you." He lifted my chin so we met eye to eye. He smiled and pulled me into another hug.

"I'm sorry I ran away that day its just I don't like seeing other girls near you and that may sound selfish but its only because....." I hesitated.

He looked down at me waiting for me to finish my sentence.

" its only because I love you Chandler. I love you more than anything and I never want to lose you. I may not be skinny or amazingly beautiful but I have a good heart that I want to give to you and that's all that should matter."

He smiled and pulled me into a hug.

"I don't care if your not skinny or beautiful because to me, your the most tremendously beautiful girl in the world and about that huge, loving heart that you want to give to me..." He poked my chest.

"I will gladly except as long as you take mine too and don't break it."

I nodded as he pulled me into another embrace holding me close to his chest. I curled up as his armed warmed my shoulders.

I never want this to end.

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