It's official

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"Hello there beautiful" he said as he blushed.

"Hey there handsome"

He laughed

"Yeah, I'm sorry that was pretty cheesy" I said embarrassed.

"No it was funny and cute. Just like you."

I blushed.

"So, what do you have in that lovely picnic basket you have there" I said in a phoney country accent but he did it to so it was pretty funny.

He started unloading the food: there was muffins, bananas, two chocolate milks and two cold cut subs.

"wow, you really outdid yourself" We both laughed.

We ate and started talking. Talking about our schools and our parents. Our friends and just our lives. Then he mentioned our relationship.

"I think we're both a little confused about our relationship status" he said.

I felt a little offended but the truth is he's right. I was confused I mean this is our twelfth time meeting up or as you might call it dating and we've never kissed but it's a pretty strange friendship if we're just friends because we keep calling each other cute, handsome and beautiful.

So I guess he was right. It was time we talked about it and figured it out.

So we talked about it and talked but mostly we kept asking each other what we wanted.

"So do you want us to be together or do you think we should be just be friends because you know I wouldn't mind-" he cut me off.

"Well how about we find out" he leaned in to kiss me and I wasn't sure weather or not to kiss him back or to slap him but of coarse, while I was scrambling with all of these thoughts, our lips touched.

His eyes were shut but mine were open. It took me a second to realize that I should shut mine too. His lips were soft as silk and warm as a Furnace.

He put his hand on my arm and I got goosebumps. His hands were warm and soft too. After about 10 seconds we pulled away.

When I opened my eyes all I could see was him and I'm pretty sure that all he could see was me because we were looking right into each others eyes. We both smiled and nodded. With that it was official. Katie James and Chandler Riggs were a couple.

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