Help me

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Chandler and I obviously started dating again. And ever since life has been a blast. I love him and he loves me and I know for sure.

I have school today but Chandler is in a different school so I have to face another day of hiding from Ashton.

I was walking down the hall going to my next class when a pair of strong hands grabbed my shoulders and pushed me up against the lockers.

"HELP!!!" I yelled when one of the hands covered my mouth.

"You didn't think you could hide forever did you?" I could tell by the voice who it was.


"Please let me go" I pleaded.

"I still haven't gotten what I want from you!" I looked in to his eyes and they were black. I could tell he has been using some kind of drug.

"Ashton please your hurting me!"

" Come on Katie. Just work with me."

He put his hand on my belt buckle and fiddled with it until I started to fight.

"Ashton stop!!"

"It will be over in no time so just stop struggling."

I started to cry. All I was thinking about was please someone help me and all I could feel was fear.

He kissed up and down my neck sending painful chills down my spine into my legs which caused me to drop to the floor. My body was froze and I couldn't move. I couldn't fight and I felt like I couldn't breath. My eyes got heavy and before I knew it... I blacked out.


Chandler P.O.V

It was the end of the day and I walked in to pick up Katie.

I was walking through the hall when I saw a group of people crowded around in a corner. I walked over and pushed through the crowd. I couldn't believe my eyes.

It was Katie laying on the floor beat up in her bra and underwear.

Who ever did this will be sorry.

I stood there stunned until a man in uniform pushed through the crowd with a stretcher. They put Katie on it and rolled her out as I fallowed.

I can't believe this happened to her.

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