What a night

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I walked back to Ella's that night because I was staying there tonight for a "sleepover".

"K, what's wrong?" She knew there was something wrong because my eyes were red like chandler's and she's my best friend so she knows.

"Chandler...." I whispered.

"He cheated didn't he because if he did I'll kick his sorry ass! I swear I'll kick him right to the-"

"ELLA" I yelled.

"What" she asked looking furious.

"He didn't cheat. He's moving" I said as her expression changed from angry to sympathetic.

"I'm so sorry"

I just looked down as a tear rolled down my cheek onto her hardwood floor. She walked over to me and wrapped her arms around me.

We stayed up all night eating popcorn and candy, watching chick flicks and I cried to every single one. Especially Titanic.

What a night.

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