Maybe it was never meant to be

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I ran back to my house and up to my room. I can't believe he did this to me.

I laid in my bed with my face in a pillow. I cried and cried and cried.

Why would he do this to me. I thought he loved me. All of the things that we have been through together and her just goes off and kisses another girl. How could he do this.

I love him.

I looked down at the bracelet on my wrist.

I remembered our first date. The night that we cuddled in the back of the movie theatre. The night that we went swimming and got caught by someone that Im still not sure of. All of the nights we spent crying in each others arms.

We've been through so much.

I spent about an hour in my room and I was beginning to get hungry so I walked downstairs to get something to eat.

When I entered the kitchen, there was a note on the fridge reading

Dear Katie,

Had to go out for a couple hours. Be back soon.

Love mom

I walked over to the fridge and pulled out the eggs and some bacon. I was really in the mood for breakfast food.

I was in the middle of frying my eggs when I heard small knocking on the door.

When I opened the door, Chandler was standing there and it looked as if he was crying.

"What do you want" I asked harshly.

"Katie, let me explain-"

"SAVE IT!" I yelled in his face as I attempted to slam the door shut. He put his foot in the doorway preventing me from shutting the door.

I just groaned and walked back into the kitchen in hopes that he would leave but he fallowed.

"Katie please. Just listen to me" he begged.

I was getting frustrated with this. Why can't he get the hint that I'm not forgiving him. He practically cheated on me and he wants me to forgive him.


I turned around with an egg in my hand hid behind my back. I walked over to him with the most fake smile on my face.

"I forgive you baby" I said still fake smiling.

He grinned and leaned in for kiss and hug but all he got was a nice moisturizing egg cracked on his head.

He stepped back in shock. He looked mad and hurt at the same time.

'Now, get out of my house you idiot" i said said and he turned around with tears in his eyes.

Either this boy is very emotional or he loves me.....a lot.

He turned again and walked back in.

"I'm not leaving until you listen to me" he said.

"Yes you are leaving. Either you leave or you stand in the kitchen for a long time because I'm not listening" I said and began turning my music on and putting my earbuds in.

"Katie please. You know we're meant to be-" he began but I quickly cut him off.

"Maybe it wasn't. Maybe in never was meant to be. Maybe this was all a big mistake. I should have known as soon as I found out that you were two years older than me! All teenagers are dicks and it will always be that way. It's the way of life and your just fallowing it. So great job" I yelled out and began clapping.

He now looked mad. He turned and stormed out slamming the door behind him and for some strange reason, I don't know wether or not to be relieved or upset. I lost the boy I love but I wanted him to leave.

He probably hates me now. He probably thinks I hate him but I really don't. I love him with all my heart. He broke my heart so I though breaking his was my only choice but I could have listened to him.

I could have stayed and waited to see what was going to happen but the pain that I felt in my stomach, chest and all over was to painful to stand and I just had to run... run and run until I just stopped.

Now he's gone.

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