Carlos Imagine

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Authors Note~ Wow guys....I didn't realize I'd be this lazy after getting out of college. I guess my second semester really kicked my ass harder than I thought it did. I mean, I did excellent; I got a 3.8 GPA for the semester, and now have a 3.5 cumulative GPA, but in general college kicks ass. All I've been doing is tumblring, eating, watching tv, and mostly sleeping. I'm gonna try to update more though, just hang with me! Enjoy this next one! Carlos' turn!


Just Imagine....


You had just returned home from visiting your parent's house with tears brimming your eyes. You hoped things would get better from here, but you were sure everything would just get harder. Your parents never liked Carlos, and had it out for him since the day you two met. Their hatred only grew when you two began dating a few months back, and again had a boost when you decided to move out of their house and move in with Carlos without their consent. You didn't need consent, you are an adult; however, they continue treating you like a child. It's not like they don't have more children, and little girls at that. With three younger brothers and four younger sisters, they had their hands full without you there.

You sit in the car thinking all this through, and again reassuring yourself that everything would be fine, and your parents couldn't do a thing about you and Carlos, especially not now. This, this is your problem--It's not even a problem, it's the best thing that could have ever happened to you.

After a few more minutes you decided you should go inside, especially since Carlos' car was also in the driveway. He was early. He is never early, and when he is he always sends a quick text letting you know, but not this time. You knew he expected you to be home cooking something special for dinner after his long day on set, and you knew he was probably excited to jump in and help finish up, just like always. But this time, no food would be ready, and he would have nothing to help with or do because you weren't home.

Before going inside you tried to come up with every good excuse you had to not be home, but none would fool him. Instead, you would tell him the truth. You had to.

You opened the door and walked in to the pleasant scent of spaghetti sauce and garlic bread, one of your favorites. You tried to get inside without making much noise, but Sydney decided it would be an excellent idea to bark, making you jump and shut the front door harder than you intended to.

"Honey, is that you?!" You heard Carlos from the kitchen. Soon his footsteps echoed through the house and he approached the entry way with a wooden spoon in hand; sauce was dripping down the handle and onto the floor, making Sydney a very content pooch.

You couldn't help but giggle, "I know you mean well, but unless they're deathly allergic to tomato sauce, I don't think that would stop an intruder." He laughed too and put his hand down, letting the sauce continue to drip onto the floor.

"Where were you?" You sighed and took your coat off before hanging it up on your hook, then placed your purse on the little table next to Carlos' wallet.

"Can a girl not get out of the house for a little while?" You added a small laugh to let him know you were just joking.

"Yes, a girl can get out of the house for a little while, but this girl," he pointed to spoon at you and you backed away a little, trying to avoid the sauce splatter, "normally lets me know so I don't have a panic attack when I get home to an empty house."

"Please, put down your deadly weapon." Carlos laughed and put his hand down again. This time, Sydney licked the spoon itself before he jerked it away. You walked past Carlos and into the aroma filled kitchen and heard Carlos come in behind you and toss the slobbery spoon in the sink.

"Really, (Y/N), where were you?"

"I was putting out fires, ok?"

"Now, if I know one thing it's that you are not a secret firefighter." He came up behind you as you stirred the sauce with a new spoon and wrapped his arms around your waist.

"Well, no."

"Then what do you mean?"

You stopped stirring the sauce and put the spoon down before turning around and making him back up a little bit so your hair wouldn't get in any of the pots. "I was at my parent's house."

"Your parent's...Why were you there? I thought you didn't want to see them much anymore?"

"No, I didn't, and I don't. I just had to tell them something to see how they would react, to really decide if I could stand keeping in contact with them."

"What is it? Why haven't you told me?"

"Carlos..." You sighed. "We all know they hate you. You're a couple years older than me, and they think you aren't a good influence; I don't know where they got that from because you are the kindest, sweetest, and most genuine guy I've ever met. I guess they see you as the enemy because you took their first daughter away in their eyes; they never believe me when I say it was my decision to move out, or my decision to even start dating you. They don't understand you left it all up to me because of your crazy, busy schedule. I thought if I told them this they would realize I'm serious about you, and you're serious about me, but it backfired. That just shows they don't really care by the way they reacted."

Carlos had put his hands on your face and was stroking your cheeks gently with his thumbs, worry filling his eyes with each word you said. "How they reacted to what, baby?"

You couldn't help but smile a little bit and look down, "just that."

"Just what?" You looked down again, and this time he looked down too. When he looked back up you could tell by the look in his eyes he had connected the dots. "Really?"

"Yes....Carlos, I'm pregnant.."

"You're really serious?" You shook your head up and down and you were relieved when a smile finally erupted. He embraced you in one of his famous bear hugs and kissed your cheek. "This is amazing! This is great" After a minute he backed up and looked at you, this time with a serious expression.

"Oh no. What?"

"(Y/N), why didn't you tell me first? I could have been there with you, maybe then they would have seen that I love you and I would never hurt you."

"Carlos, they will never understand, no matter what we try. Even though it's hard, it's something I've got to accept and live with. The important thing is that you are happy, and ready for a baby, because I need you," you placed your hand on your stomach, "we need you."

"You know I would never even dream of leaving, no matter what. I just can't wait to tell everyone!" He kissed your cheek again before tending to the now finished food.

"Carlos..." You walked toward him and wrapped one arm around his back.

"Yeah, babe?"

"I love you." He turned to you and gave you a quick kiss on the lips.

"I love you too, (Y/N)."


Authors Note~ I feel like that was really crappy. It's one of the quicker Imagines I've ever written, like ever. Plus I just wanted to get something up for you guys and went off of a general idea. Regardless of my critique on my own writing, I hope you all enjoyed it! Don't be afraid to let me know in the comments! I love you all, and thank you for sticking around even with my crazy abnormal updating tendencies!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2014 ⏰

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