Logan Imagine (Part 2)

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Authors Note ~ I'm back! Now time for part 2! I hope you guys like it! :)


Just Imagine....


After the flight was over it took a couple hours to get all signed in at port and board the ship. The entire time Logan was on your mind. You couldn't help but wonder what he was doing now, where he was, if he was thinking of you. Of course you knew he would be.

You and your family were sitting in a waiting area, waiting for your group number to be called to board the ship. After about 10 minutes of waiting one of your cousin's kids, Luke, walked over to you. Even though you were second cousins, he always called you Aunt (Y/N), and he had gotten in the habit of calling Logan Uncle whenever he saw him. You thought it was adorable, especially how Logan always interacted with Luke, who is 4, and his younger sister Molly, who is 2.

"Aunt (Y/N), where is Uncle Logan?" You looked at him and smiled.

"He had to stay home, sweety."

"So he didn't come?"

"No, he wanted to, Luke, but he couldn't."

"Why not?"

You sighed. "Because he was really busy."


"Yes, Luke, he was really busy with work."


You laughed. Logan didn't sing often unless it was for the band, or you two were fooling around. Occasionally he would sing to you when you were sad, or he would sing you to sleep. But he would always sing whenever Luke would ask.

"Yes Luke, he's busy with singing. Now come here!" You patted your lap and Luke smiled. He hopped up and settled in. After waiting a little while longer your group number was called and you and your family began boarding the ship.

Once you were on the ship a woman asked for your family's last name. She did a quick introduction into a microphone, and you heard it through speakers hidden somewhere in the area. As you and your family finished boarding some of the crew members were lined up on either side of the walkway and clapped, welcoming you onto the ship. Everything was amazing, and so surreal. This was what you and your family had been planning and waiting for for years now, and it was finally happening. The only thing missing was, of course, Logan.

The rest of the day was full of finding the cabins, getting sleeping arrangements figured out, having a family meeting to discuss the day's events, and a short amount of relaxation time. So far the best part of your day had been finding out you had a cabin to yourself. Even though it seemed odd, you didn't question the extra peace and quiet you knew you would get. By 5:30, you were all ready to eat, so you and your family headed down to the restaurant you were assigned to for tonight. You knew you would love it as soon as you all entered. It was an artsy theme, which made you smile.

Your family was sat down at a table, and you realized there was a seat open next to you.

"Who is missing?" You asked your mom, who was sitting across from you.

"Oh! No one dear, it must just be a mistake! Your father and I will go down to the service desk after dinner to make sure we aren't being charged extra, don't worry." She gave you a smile, and you felt as though something else was going on.

"But what about Molly?"

"Your cousin? Don't you remember (Y/N)? She backed out right before we booked the cruise. Maybe we never changed the number before finalizing it....Nothing we can do now, since it's all paid for and in the budget anyway."

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