Chapter twenty-two

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The sound of the ocean waves, the twitter of the birds, the familiar feeling of wet sand on his hand. He inhaled and exhaled, listened to the sound of the nature. It would be the last time he heard and felt these things and he wanted it to be special. He wanted to remember the good parts before he walked to the pier while his mind thought about his last moments with Alexander.

》》It was right after the ceremony when everyone was leaving the church, the now married couple in front of them. They talked with different people, Magnus standing out of their way, out of Alexanders perspective. No one stood beside him, he was particularly alone in the middle of a crowd. Then he looked at his Alexander for one last time, gazing at his hair, his eyes, his lips, his whole body until he felt the urge to cry. He lost him and with it everything else. At least he was a kind of happy with Lydia. Without saying goodbye to Alexander, without letting the Prince see him, Magnus walked away, to the beach, to the ocean, to his home.《《

It broke his heart when he thought about the feeling Alexander would get when he'd find out Magnus was gone. The castle and the church seemed to be far away when Magnus turned around, then he turned his head the water, looking down at it.

“Magnus!” He looked around. Who called him? “Brother!” Another female voice. The heads of Catarina and Anne appeared above the water, followed by Hypatia and Malcom. His face expression showed confusion. “Here!”, Catarina swam closer and handed him a knife. His eyes narrowed her fish tail, it lost its shimmer and the white was no more. A dusty grey was there instead. ‘Oh my dear sister’, he thought, ‘what have you done.. ?’

“The sea witch made us an offer”, Catarina started as she noticed the change in Magnus' eyes. “The shimmer of our tails for this knife. Since I did not want my siblings to lose their shimmer, I offered her the white in my fish tail in exchange for the opportunity to make you a merman again. She agreed.” Magnus looked down at his hand, gazing at the completely in black covered knife.

“You have to stab into the Prince's heart. Then use his blood and cover a little bit of your legs with it. You will get your fish tail back as soon as your legs touch the water.”

Once again, this time for the last time, Magnus looked at the happily married couple who seemed to gaze into each other's eyes. Doubt no more, they loved each other. Indeed Magnus thought about the offer; seeing his family again was a wish that came from heart. He loved them so much he even considered killing the Prince, but he loved the Prince more and he would be haunted by his act for the rest of his life for killing him, for killing the boy with the hazel eyes. He couldn't do it, he already fell too hard.

Then all of the sudden, Magnus looked back at his siblings, tears rolling down his face when he stared at the colorlessness on Catarinas tail and the worthlessness behind it. The former merman trew away the knife, making it sink to the seabed where it would be hidden under the sand for the rest of time. The children watched Magnus walk to the edge of the pier, his eyes focused on the horizon. No one dared to say a word, not even Catarina who felt the most disappointment.

Magnus looked at his siblings and formed a ‘goodbye’ with his lips before he slowly closed his eyes and then let himself fall into the deep ocean that would become his home again. He would sink until the sand covered his body; the only possibility for Magnus to be reuinted with his family. Every positivity that was left in the siblings eyes left as soon as they watched their brother ending his mortal life.

It was the tragedy of a young merman falling in love with a human. A human who could never be his.

The End.

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