Chapter nine

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After noticing the inability of the Prince to move, the sea witch decided to use a warmer, softer voice. “Little Prince, we both know you are not here to be yelled at, nor do I want to do it. All I expect of my visitors is to show manners!!” “I am sorry”, Magnus spoke quietly, it was almost a hush, “I did not-” “I know what you wanted and what you did not want”, the sea witch cut him off.

“Now, tell me”, he stood up from his seat and moved closer to Magnus. It was a dark chair which colours and structure were combined with the darkness of the wall and the atmosphere around it. For a short moment, Magnus thought of seeing a throne before his gaze fell upon the immortal half-shark. “What important aspect made you wanting to have legs?”, the sea witch swam slowly around him while Magnus' eyes followed his moves. “What did the human do to you to visit me?”

The answer was easy, clear as glass. “The eyes. I fell in love with his hazel eyes.” “What happened next?” “I saved him.. from drowning.” “Interesting”, the sea witch stopped in front of him, “such a sad story. I admire your will.” The merman didn't reply. What should he have answered him? That he was right? That his love torwards a human was strong enough to make him visiting the sea witch?

“I did not come here to have a talk with you. I did not risk being catched for your company.” He wanted to add more but he needed to be polite and at least a little friendly. “I know, little Prince. Your wish will be fulfilled later, as long as you are fine with the sacrifice of course.” Magnus was already aware of sacrificing something very important, he didn't know what he would have to give but it didn't matter. He would pay the price, no matter what it cost. The half-shark noticed his short absence and returned to his throne-like seat. “Let us not talk about this, now. First, tell me everything you require.”

“Well, you already know about me wanting legs to go on land and see this human”, he started. After a blink and a short nod of the sea witch, he continued. It felt like telling him a wishlist with things he wanted him to fulfil. “But it is not the desire after legs.” “What is it then?” “I want to be with this human boy. I want a soul just like him.. to have a part that is immortal.” “Is this everything? Legs and the hope for this human to fall in love with you?” The Prince nodded, unsure if he said it in a right way.

“Your feelings are strong. Stronger than your feelings towards your family. Your siblings, Asmodeus and Azazel.. even more interesting.” By hearing the name of his father, Magnus made a quick move. He didn't want to me reminded of what he would leave. “Oh”, said the sea witch, “they do not know anything of your plan, do they? You did not tell them, right?”

Silence. No one spoke for a whole minute after the sea witch spoke these words. Magnus did nothing but stare into these black eyes, hoping he will recieve what he required. “They know nothing and I would love to keep it this way.” “Your decision, little Prince.” Magnus knew one of his siblings - Ragnor - knew what he was up to; but he also knew he promised him not to tell anyone. The last thing he wanted was an angry father storming into this house and taking him back home. His uncle Azazel would probably talk with him, telling him how stupid the idea was.

“Now”, the half-shark left his chair again to swim closer to Magnus while his imagination faded and he was brought back into reality, “after you named the thing you most desire, I will tell you what it will cost you. If you are fine with the payment, so will you walk on land this night.” The Prince was excited and scared at once, what would he have to give up?

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