Chapter sixteen

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The days went on and Magnus and Alexander spent most of the time together. On one evening, he taught Magnus how to fight with a sword and on the next evening they walked through the whole royal garden. None of them made a big deal out of their recent talk. Their friendship grew with every hour that passed.

Of course Lydia appeared now and then and Magnus hated seeing her. He felt a big thunderstorm when he thought about her lying to everyone. It was wrong to do so but he couldn't do anything. Magnus had no proof for telling his friend the true lifesaver. The only thing he could do in these days was to make Alexander fall in love with him. He tried very hard but there seemed to be no success. Unlike their friendship, the connection between Lydia and the Prince was stronger and filled with love. Yet, Magnus didn't know why it was like it.

Was the Prince just thankful and showed love due to the rescue? Or was there a deeper meaning behind all this? He didn't want to ask. He felt like he would enter his personal space. What Magnus didn't know about were his unanswered questions Alexander thought of. He was the one slowly struggling if Lydia was the right one. He did love her in some kind of way and he did not regret getting engaged. The problem was Magnus.

He was the one distracting him, he made him smiling more than Lydia has ever done. There was something in his eyes, in his soul which the Prince couldn't understand. He liked him even if they have met only a week ago and even if Magnus did some strange things, Alexander accepted every little flaw. He never had such a friendship before, no one understood him in this way and everyone else seemed to like him because he was the heir to the throne.

But not Magnus. Magnus had a grace  and an appearance he only saw on other Princes and Princesses. And with the thought of Magnus - the boy he found unconscious on the beach - appearing like a royal, Alexander fell asleep.

Some of the moves the humans did every day were too much for Magnus. He was used to an elegant way of swimming and diving. Oh how much he missed putting his legs into the water just to feel the liquid. Therefore he decided to leave the castle and go to the beach during midnight while everyone else was sleeping.

When his feet finally touched the soft, wet sand he couldn't help but close his eyes and enjoy this short moment. Then he placed one foot in the water and the other one, walking straight ahead until his knees felt the cold water. The boy who was once a merman stared at the water and the horizon. The wind blew through his short hair and he felt the fresh air on his skin.

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