Chapter seventeen

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"Magnus." Someone spoke his name in a tone he hasn't heard for a long time. "Brother." The next voice. Magnus immediately looked around, his eyes were searching all over the sea for a figure. "Why did you leave us?" A whisper left the mermaids mouth as her head and shoulders appeared over the water. "Why did you give up your life?" Catarina looked at him with such a disappointment in her eyes, it hurt Magnus too much to look at her.

'I'm sorry', he whispered, closing his eyes. "We were so worried when we noticed your absence", another voice, a deeper one was heard. The head and shoulders of his brother Ragnor appeared over the water. "Return home", he swam closer, "please, brother, please." Magnus knew he couldn't answer, he didn't have his blackboard but there was no desire in answering. The only thing the boy could do in this moment was to shake his head and replying the same apology over and over in his mind.

He wanted to ask how they found him and why there were here. He wanted to ask after father, his uncle and the other siblings. The problem was it would hurt him too much. He would rather live with unanswered questions than with the conscience of knowing how everyone was feeling. And he guessed they felt horrible for losing him.

"Brother", Catarina swam closer, too, "father sent all his guards and commanded every fish in the ocean to look after you. The only thing we found out were you in company with the sea witch." She was only a few meters away but it was enough for Magnus to see her white fish tail. "Why did you keep it a secret? We could have helped you changing your mind!"

Magnus looked at Ragnor, realizing he kept his word; his older brother didn't tell anyone. They found out on their own and Magnus was thankful for that. Then he looked back at his sister, a tear rolling down his face. This moment was the moment he feared the most. This moment was the one he wanted to avoid so badly but his desire to see the ocean again burnt.

"Catarina...", Ragnor spoke, now. "You must understand him.. he fell in love. It is unfair that he left us, yes, but have you seen the way he looks at this boy? I remember seeing the same on fathers eyes when mother was still alive." Now, it was Catarinas turn to cry.

Oh how much she missed the moments with her mother. How much it hurt her remembering the day she died. "Promise me it will end well", she looked back at Magnus, "promise me your absence will bring you happiness and we did not loose you completely." 'I promise', he formed with his lips, no sound came out of it but Catarina could read his lips and smiled. "I hope your sacrifice was worth it", stated Ragnor and vanished in this wide ocean, closely followed by Catarina.

It had to be worth it, Magnus was sure. Before anyone else of his family or friends could visit him, he decided to leave the beach and return to the castle. Hopefully no one saw him walking through the hallways back to his bed. His warm and soft bed he immediately fell asleep on.

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