Chapter three

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In the next morning, the sea was calm again and Magnus wasn't able to see the ship anymore. Probably everyone except this young boy died and there was no part of the ship left. It sank to the ground like all others before it and Magnus didn't care at all. The only thing he cared about was the young, unconscious boy in front of him.

Hours ago, they arrived at a beach and he layed him down. Since then, he leaned against the sand, watching the boy slightly breathing. He couldn't help himself but touched him. From his forehead over his cheek and neck down to his chest and stomach. The most beautiful person Magnus ever saw and he was able to touch him. It didn't matter the boy didn't know. It didn't matter the boy will never know.

All that matters was Magnus enjoying this very short of a moment. Sometimes he sighed because of his beauty and yet there was the tragedy behind this situation which the merman couldn't deny. All the hours he spent with the unconscious boy, all the hours in which he gazed at him, he didn't realize he was falling in love. He had hope that the boy would open his eyes, his deep hazel eyes in which he would look into again.

Magnus wanted to stay with him forever but as soon as the sun was fully up, sounds could be heard from the distance. For the first time for hours, Magnus turned his head to look at the direction where he heard the sounds and saw a human running towards the boy. Magnus hid as fast as he could behind some small rocks and watched the human kneeling in front of the young boy and whispering some words.

The human turned out to be a slim girl with blonde, long hair and fully red lips. The slight worry in her face suddenly changed and it seemed she smiled. She smiled? Magnus looked closely and indeed she seemed happy. Magnus felt something. A new feeling. He guessed it was what humans call jealousy since he wanted to be in the position of this girl. But the already tiny smile faded seconds later.

The merman watched how the young girl - he guessed she was in the same age as the young boy - ran away to the direction she came from and came back a minute later with many other people around her. Meanwhile the boy didn't move a single muscle and Magnus feared that - in combination with the faded smile - something terrible happened with him.

They surrounded the boy and Magnus wasn't able to see what they were doing with him. The only thing he could see what him standing up and looking at all the people around him. Sadly, Magnus didn't get his attention and watched him walking away in company with all these humans. No single look at the rocks he hide behind as if he was never there. On the one hand it was good not to be noticed but he wanted it to happen by the young boy. And only by him. He sighed and swam away.

A few minutes later he dived underneath the water, torwards the castle. His home. “How was the human world?”, asked the one. “Did you saw something beautiful and unique?”, asked the next. Magnus just looked up. ‘Not something.. someone’, he thought and and swam past them, without answering their questions. He had no energy for that. Magnus was known to be a slightly quiet merman but since he met this boy, he was quieter than before.

How could it possible happen that he rescues the most beautiful creature in this world without him noticing it? Magnus didn't find an answer and it plagued his mind every day and every night ever since. His siblings started to notice it and began to ask questions. More and more questions but he never gave an answer.

Sometimes Magnus swam upwards to the rocks where he hide that day. But he never spotted the boy. It seemed he was gone forever. His strange, new feelings plagued him more and more and Magnus slowly thought about telling his siblings. They might help him to forget or to find.

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