Chapter eighteen

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It haunted him, it haunted him since he first moment he gazed at her. She was not the right one, no. His mind filled his head, parted it into two and made Magnus more tired than he ever was. He remembered some nights he spent on a rock, counting the stars and searching for new galaxies and when he returned home, he felt tired. Sometimes it took the whole night for him to stay. None of these nights could be compared to his current state of tiredness.

He wanted to go to bed early this evening and because of the place he was in in this moment, he had to pass the study room of the king, hearing familiar noises coming from it. He knew he wasn't allowed to but he couldn't help and listen. His eyes focusing the door after observing his area, checking is someone was near. Then he listened closely to the talk. Their voices harsh and loud and Magnus wondered what Alexander and his father had to discuss about.

"... you can't do this to me!", shouted Alec. "Obviously I can and I will, son. Think about the kingdom, your kingdom." "I thought about the kingdom when I agreed about it!" Magnus was confused. On the one hand he wanted to know what they had agreed to, on the other hand he knew it was wrong to be so curious, especially when it came to royal family's business. "Yes you did. So where is the problem in marrying her earlier? Two months or a day: there is no difference!" Then he heard Alexander growling slightly.

What... ? What did Magnus just hear? The love of his life marrying this blonde girl tomorrow? Magnus couldn't believe it. His head was very closely on the door and he accidentally moved his right hand too much, making a noise that made the Prince and the king stop and stare at the door. He shook his head and ran away, out of this big and expensive building while Alec opened the door, gazing at the back of a male person who ran around the corner. Alexander froze. 'Magnus.'

Of course Alexander ran after Magnus. He couldn't and didn't want to let him leave him. "Magnus!", he shouted every time he eyed his back. "Wait!" His screams could be heard all over the castle, yet there was only one person the words belonged to. He ran down the stairs that led to the two main doors and watched Magnus running through them as if a dangerous create was behind him.

"Please wait!" The desire of his lungs to stop burnt but he didn't listen to his own body. Instead he ran through the whole castle torwards the beach for only one person, because he felt the urge to explain him everything. He felt the urge of telling him what happened and he felt the urge of telling himself why he cared.

When Magnus finally stopped, Alexander did too. He watched him ten meters apart staring at the ocean, or the horizon? He watched him moving his legs again until his feet and the water were separated by only a few centimetres. Then Alexander came closer until he could lay a hand on his shoulder.

"Magnus." The sound made Magnus' body shudder, he decided to turn around, to face him with slight red eyes. 'Why did you follow me..?', he thought, desperate to not know the reason behind all of it. "What you heard.. It was..", Alexander sighed, shutting his eyes, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier. I'm sorry you had to hear it this way." Magnus placed a hand on his cheek, showing the Prince he should shut his mouth.

'It is okay', he wanted to say, 'It is okay because it was your fathers decision and you cannot change it. It is okay.' But he couldn't, he wasn't able to say a single word out of all the thoughts he had. Instead he looked at his eyelids, slowly leaning in and pressing their lips together; softly like a feather or glass that could break in any second.

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