Chapter fourteen

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The noises being brought fast into their stables followed by a noise a woman running. Alexander explained Magnus that he heard the thunder and that they had to return to the castle. It was a short and yet wonderful trip with Alexander, Magnus thought. He hoped to see Ruby and Romeo soon again. But first, there was a woman - a young girl Magnus noticed as she came closer - he apparently had to get to know.

“My dear Alexander! Don't ever leave me so worried! Where have you been?”, the girl asked and he watched the Prince taking her hands and staring into her eyes. “Don't be worried, love”, he kissed her forehead, “I am here with you know.” Suddenly Magnus felt jealous. He wanted to be the one being kissed by Alexander. He wanted to feel his lips on his forehead. “Oh and I need to show you someone!”, Alexander said and turned around to walk to Magnus.

“This is Magnus, I found him on the beach yesterday.” Now that Magnus could see her full face, he noticed her blonde hair and the red lips. ‘No’, he thought instantly, hiding his true feelings behind a smile, ‘not her.’ Magnus had no choice but to stare at her.

“And this is Lydia. Not long ago my ship sank and I was about to die but this wonderful human found me and saved me.” “I'm honoured to meet you, Magnus. My name is Lydia.” Magnus nodded and saw Lydias facial expression change as soon as she noticed he wouldn't give her an answer. Then she looked at Alexander confused. “You must excuse him. He cannot speak.” “..oh..”, the blonde girl said slowly, realizing she will never get an answer.

In reality he didn't know what to think. She was the girl he saw on the beach that day. She was the girl who SAVED Alexander? SHE? Magnus' mind freaked out. This couldn't be true, this couldn't be the ending of his attempt to make the boy with the hazel eyes fall in love with him.

“We had a little trip with the horses until we heard the thunder. Then we returned home.” Lydia exhaled, “I assume you two had fun. I do not want to interrupt you but I have to.” “Tell me the reason. Did something happen?” “Indeed. Your father wants to speak you. He sounded very serious.” Alexander nodded, “I will visit him in a minute.” Lydia smiled and left the two alone.

Meanwhile Magnus was watching the two talking like strangers. Yet they seemed to be very close. What kind of connection existed between Alexander and Lydia? “Do you want to come with me? I am convinced father won't be bothered by your appearance.” Magnus took out his blackboard and the white chalk to write something down.

‘I would love to’ he turned the blackboard around so Alexander could read it. “Great”, he said and finally put the big brown things away on which Magnus and Alexander were sitting while riding the horses. He still didn't know what this thing was but it helped him a lot sitting right. Then they walked into the castle. Their way was quiet, no one spoke, no one walked over to them to start a conversation.

“Magnus.” Magnus stopped as he heard his name and eyed the boy who called his name. “What do you think about the castle? I know you're surely not used to such big buildings and so many people.” Magnus opened his mouth, he wanted to tell him that he was indeed used to it. He wanted to tell him that he grew up in a castle, too. He wanted to tell him so many things but he couldn't. Two reasons kept him from speaking these words. First, he had no tongue. Second, he was not sure if Alexander should know about his past; the royal part not the merman part.

‘I love it here!’ was written down by Magnus. Alexander could only give him a warm smile before keep on walking and then opening the doors to the room his father wished him to be in.

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