Chapter five

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One question came up in Magnus' mind and he knew the only creature being able to answer it was his uncle. The wisest of all, the one who knew the most about the human world and their own. "Uncle", Magnus started to speak as he swam closer to his family member, just arriving from a little human world visit. He looked up at him, prepared to hear the curiosity of his nephew. "As much as I know about humans, they can drown in water and die." Azazel nodded, "this is correct." "But what if they would never drown? What if they could live forever if they would not live close our home?"

His uncle chuckled slightly, amused about the silly question of Magnus. "Just like you and me one day, the humans have to die. There are many other ways of which you should not know a single one." Magnus sighed by these words. Why can't he tell him? What would be so bad about it? "What I can tell you", Azazel kept on speaking, "is that we have the privilege of living full three centuries unlike those humans who barely experience one. I have to admit being human is having the privilege of owning a soul, and a soul is immortal."

"By your words.. do you mean we do not have a soul?" His uncle gave him a silent nod. "But why? Why cannot we own one? I would rather have a soul than a fishtail!" "Do NOT say that ever again! Magnus, do you know how better it is to be a merman? Do you know how lucky you should be to not be part of their world? All the destruction and we live here in peace.." "But.. but I will die one day and there will be nothing left of me.. this is unfair. Is there no alternative?" "Oh yes there is", Azazel chuckled once again, "indeed there is an option." "Tell me!", Magnus was very excited to hear the following words.

"If a human would love you more than he loves himself, if a human would promise to hold you for better and for worse, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health until death would take him away from you, only then you will recieve a part of his soul. Only then part of you could live forever." It sounded so beautiful, yet so tragic. How could Magnus make the Prince promising these things to him? How could Magnus, the merman, achieve the love of the young human boy?

"Do not start to fill your young mind with hope", Azazel added as he noticed Magnus' absence. The daydream stopped immediately and he tried to focus on his words again. "Keep your fishtail and stay with your family. Here, save in our world." His voice was calmer, now, but Magnus didn't really listen. He nodded and swam away. "Enjoy the beginning of three centuries!" were the last words he heard.

In the evening, when Magnus came back from a little journey through the underwater kingdom, he recognized many lights and colors inside of the castle. As he swam closer to a glass wall, he saw the ballroom filled with shells in the colors yellow and purple. It lightened up the whole room and made it look more royal than before. Tiny fishes were swimming through it, two of his three sisters talked with their father in one corner and Magnus swam inside, not leaving a gaze from this beauty.

"Ah Magnus. There you are!" By this familiar voice, Magnus turned around and faced his uncle. "I thought you would miss the court ball! Your siblings all helped me with the preparation but you were nowhere to be found." "My apology. Is there anything left I could do?" Azazel shook his head before turning around, seeing all the guests and his nieces and nephews entering the room.

In this moment Magnus knew the conversation was over and the ball was about to begin. The music - made by a few fishes - started to play and Magnus greeted one guest after another. Afterwards he had a little talk with Catarina, telling her his mind still drifted away to the Prince. All she could do was sighing. All the mermen, mermaids and different fish types enjoyed the evening, they haven't had a ball in a very long time.

For a male, Magnus had a very beautiful voice which everyone enjoyed to listen to. The merman didn't sing very often since his sisters did it all the time. It was his father who convinced him to sing along the music, showing everyone his talent. The talent of a voice being almost both: deep and a little high. He quite enjoyed the evening until the thought of the Prince hit his mind.

He ended his singing and told his father he wanted to take a little break, sparing his voice. Magnus swam to the garden and rested there until his mind got an idea. A brilliant and stupid one at the same time. "The only one I have not asked for help yet is the sea witch", he spoke quietly to himself, "what if he could help me?" And with these words the mermen swam away.

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