Chapter eleven

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When Magnus reached the sand, he layed down and watched the moon above him. He closed his eyes, enjoying having a fish tail one last time before taking the closure off of the little bottle. The potion felt warm in his mouth; the warmth wandered to his tail where it started to burn.

He wanted to scream in agony, calling for help but this procedure was necessary and so he sat there and closed his eyes. The pain didn't last as long as Magnus thought. He opened his eyes after a few minutes and saw legs in front of him. Human legs just like the Prince's ones. When he looked down on himself, he noticed the absence of any clothing so he took some seagrass and covered most of his body.

The human was too tired to stand up and search the Prince - beside the fact that he didn't even know where to start searching and how the boy would react in front of him. Therefore Magnus decided to stay on his place, lay down and watch the moon moving from the one side to the other side of the sky. He didn't know how or when it happened but he slowly fell asleep, dreaming of two beautiful hazel eyes which took his breath.

When he opened his eyes in the early morning, he saw a boy - the boy - right in front of him. In the background he recognized the sun already being up what meant he missed the sunrise. “Oh hello. I'm happy to see you awake.” He smiled; it was this type of smile Magnus would never forget.

Since giving an answer was impossible for Magnus, he smiled back and reached out for his hand to shake it. Azazel told him once that humans do this as a greeting. The Prince took his hand and shook it a second. “I see you cannot speak. You must have freezed very much when you layed here the whole night. Come, let me help you.”

Magnus thanked the human Prince in his mind and stood up, letting all the seagrass falling down on the ground. The Prince took his coat and placed it around Magnus to cover his naked body and warm him, and together they left the beach and walked away.

A few minutes after they left the beach, Magnus noticed the stares the Prince gave him. He wanted to ask him why he stared at him the whole time but he couldn't. Therefore he gave him a questioning and wondering look which was enough for the boy to speak. “I see you are thinking a lot right now.” Magnus nodded fast and smiled, showing him his agreement. “First of all, I assume you want to know my name?” Magnus nodded once again. “I'm Alexander”, he smiled, “how can I call you, mysterious and magical boy?”

Magnus looked around and searched for a little stick. The Prince didn't know what Magnus planned as he took a wooden stick and started doing something on the ground. When Magnus was done, he pointed at the ground. Alexander recognized the letters M-A-G-N-U-S on it. “Ma-Magnus.. is this your name?” Magnus nodded once again. “Well then. I am really glad to have found you on the beach, Magnus.” The boy put the wooden stick on the ground and together they walked torwards a castle.

It was the white one with the rocks on the one side and all the green on the other one. Magnus pointed at the castle with a wondering look. “Come. You will like it there.” What Alexander didn't know was that Magnus knew his social class. He knew exactly where he loved and who he was. Magnus stood right before the two big wooden doors and stared at the blue water. This view reminded him of his home, his family and everything he has left behind to be in the position he was in this moment.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, collecting his mind. “Are you not feeling well? Don't you like the sea?” Magnus looked at him as if he wanted to say ‘Of course I love it! The ocean is the best place of all in this world!’ but he couldn't. And the Prince would never know the answer of his questions. Then they entered the castle.

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