Chapter fifteen

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"Father", Alexander said as he walked in, closely followed by Magnus. "Ah Alexander, my son." He looked up from the papers on his desk. "And Magnus", he moved his head, "please leave the room. I have to talk about important things to my son." His voice was serious and strong, it made Magnus froze for a second before he nodded and walked out. Alexander watched him leaving before he turned his face back to his father who was about so stand up and walk torwards him.

"I'm here, now. What do you need to tell me?" "It is about this man you brought here. I assume you two are friends but he is a stranger and you- we don't know why he is here. Why this kingdom, why was he on that beach. There is so much that you don't know about him." "I do know him. More than you think I would." "Then tell me where does he come from? Who are his parents?"

Alexander pressed his lips together, he didn't know the answers since he didn't ask Magnus about his past. Maybe it was the time, now. He wanted to know more. Not only because his father did but because he was interested in him. The mysterious man was like a box full of secrets and Alexander wanted to find the key to open it.

"Ahh you don't know it! Tell me how is he feeling? Well enough to send him back to where he comes from?" "Wait! Do you plan to send him away? Because he needed help?" "He got help", he paused and stood straight, hands behind his back, "I have heard of you riding horses together. It means he feels well enough to go outside. And this, my son, means he can leave."

Alexander looked at the ground. It was true: he indeed felt well. And yet, the boy with the hazel eyes didn't want to let him go. He was too much of a friend to let him travel home. "He doesn't even know who you are.. or did you tell him?" "", replied the Prince. The king shook his head, "I don't know why you didn't tell him yet and I'm aware you have your reasons."

His voice was calmer, now. It sounded warmer as if the king could understand. "But I suggest you to tell him. Who knows how he will react when he finds out about it. About your duty as future king." Alexander opened his mouth, he wanted to speak but his father was faster. "That's it. You can leave, now."

What Alexander didn't know was that Magnus heard their conversation. Most of it was the kings voice which was, in Magnus' opinion, too loud to not hear it. He stood there, near the door and waited for the Prince to leave the room. It was no secret for Magnus but he had to act like he wouldn't know. Otherwise Magnus would get some problems if Alexander found out how he already was aware of his destiny.

Then someone opened the door and walked out of the room. "I did not think of you waiting here", said the voice. 'What else could I do?' was what Magnus wrote down to communicate with him. "Explore the castle, go back to your room or outside", Alexander suggested. "But I am truly happy you stayed." Magnus erased the words and wrote down something new. 'If I get to choose between staying or leaving, I would always choose to stay.'

Alexander read the words and smiled. Then his smile faded and with it, a realization appeared in his mind. The realization that he needed to talk to Magnus, he needed to tell him something important. "Magnus", he said to break the silence. The boy looked up, raising an eyebrow to show his curiosity. "There is something I need to tell you. A truth I've been hiding from you." He looked at him, waiting for him to continue.

"I did not tell you the truth when I told you I would work here. Actually I'm the Prince and future king of this small kingdom." 'Oh Alexander', Magnus thought, lifting his hand up to place it on Alexanders cheek, 'I always knew who you are.' Now, it was the Princes turn to be confused. Why put Magnus a hand in his cheek? Why didn't he freak out or write something down?

A minute passed until Magnus removed his hand to write something down. It was his only reaction to his words. He couldn't lie and act surprised, but he couldn't tell him the truth of knowing either. Therefore he decided to show kindness and write five simple words. 'Thank you for telling me.'

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